What size and type of gas generator do I put on a 2010 260 EC

I'm a Rookie! Just bought my first Rinker and first weekender. Great boat only 340 hours. I am wanting to put a rebuilt gen set on it. I need some direction on what I need.
Thanks for any help in advance
Thanks for any help in advance
Best Answers
PickleRick Member Posts: 4,074 ✭✭✭✭✭
A 260 is a little small for onboard genset, how much space do you have it in the engine bay to fit it? Isn't your water holding tank, batteries and hot water heater in the bay? You'll also need to think about weight distribution after the install to stop the listing(the generator is heavy and can make the boat lean heavily to that side).
Im willing to bet money the engine would need to be removed to make the install possible. Install would cost $$$ unless you can do all the install yourself.
Not saying it can be done, just seems that on 8 ft beam boats under 27/28 ft space is not a huge luxury.
While not marine approved, a quiet inverter generator set on the swim platform can be used and stowed when not in use.
Either generator you use always keep a co2 detector in the cabin. Maybe 2. One in main cabin one in aft cabin if it's used for sleeping.
If using a generator on the swim platfrom make sure it's on the hook (anchored) and you're anchored to keep fumes down wind.
Safety first!!! Also read up on proper grounding as not to electrocute swimmers. I wish this was a joke but it happens
PickleRick Member Posts: 4,074 ✭✭✭✭✭
If it was an option that's even better, it was at least a design that the boats designer included in the lay out.
If it fits the budget it will make weekend or even extended stays on board go from camping to yachting.
Buying new vs rebuilt may not cost much more. The warranty should be better and you can shop around a little more easily for the size genset you need.
Even if the engine doesn't need to be removed the boat still needs hauled to drill the hull for the water pick up. If you have a trailer this makes it much easier and cheaper. Marina mechanics usually charge way more money than land locked shops.
Good luck and enjoy that new boat! Make sure all the maintenance is up to speed and all safety gear on board. If you have any questions on safety equipment or maintenance schedules there are more than a few guys on here willing to help out.
PickleRick Member Posts: 4,074 ✭✭✭✭✭
I have a portable a.c., 7000 btu i think, for my 235 fv. I run a generac 2200 watt, similar to Honda eu2000 but half the price. It runs my AC about 6 hrs on max fan set on 60 degrees.
While sitting in the cabin i hear the a.c. over the generator.
It will also run the tv, lights, battery charger and DVD player while the a.c. is blowing full blast.
Post edited by PickleRick on -
Aqua_Aura Member Posts: 2,625 ✭✭✭✭✭
Look up the model number of your AC or look at the size of the breaker for the AC and that will show how many amps it could potentially draw.
I can assume the 3500 should be plenty.1997 Bayliner 3988 -
PickleRick Member Posts: 4,074 ✭✭✭✭✭
I have a 3500 watt portable kipor (knock off of a Honda eu3500) but its way too big to stow on board or pick up single handed. We have an eu3500 at the shop for a rental unit. Both need two people to lift and are the size of a medium sized dog house. The predator is a knock off of the eu3500 so its not any smaller
You'd need a trawler wirh a small crane to easily move around from dock to boat!
Id go with two parallel 2200 generators before going with a single 3500.
I work on predator powered equipment and generators at the shop, they are essentially throw away with little to no parts support
Go with generac, Briggs or even ryobi if you want an affordable 500 to 700 dollar quiet inverter generator in the 2200 to 2300 watt range. That 3500 is a beast where the suit case generators are only 60 to 65 lbs. You also have parts and warranty support from those brands where at Harbor freight they want you to toss after warranty then buy new. Honds EU generators are nice but there are many out there now just as good, nearly as or just as quiet, and are cheaper.
I dont know the amps of your ac but i bet it doesn't draw as many as a microwave or pressure cooker, I've ran both(not at the same time) on my 2200.
aero3113 Member Posts: 9,106 ✭✭✭✭✭
You might want to go with the Predator 2000 . The 3500 seems a little big to be moving around on the boat. My coworker has a 270 and stores the 2000 in the engine compartment strapped down. He has no issues running his AC and fridge. Change all of you lights to LED also, this will help with some draw.2008 330EC -
Cableguy Greg Member Posts: 5,034 ✭✭✭✭✭
I have a Ryobi 2200 watt unit that I use on my 280EC. It runs the air conditioner and battery charger at the same time. It will run the stove and the microwave, but not all at the same time.2008 280 Express Cruiser, 6.2MPI, B3, Pittsburgh, PA "Blue Ayes"
Go Steelers!!!
That's a little dangerous, like keeping LP containers in the engine bay. The fuel cap vent can be closed but you still have a carb full of fuel and can leak if bounced right or tilts too far to one side.
Ive worked on those and like them, just as good as my generac as far as I'm concerned. I do warranty work for Briggs, generac and Honda. Used to do ryobi but they didn't pay well enough to keep doing it.