Need your guys help. Anyone have knowledge about 2001 Maxum 3300 scr?

ApriceAprice Member Posts: 125 ✭✭
Hey gang. 

I sold my beautiful 320 at the end of last July, have regretted it since. Been on the hunt all summer. Cant find anything near as nice as what I had. Until now, I found a 33 ft Maxum. The layout is amazing, I actually like it better that my Rinkers 270 and 320 FVs. The new owner is on here and wont sell me my boat back, Adam you meanie. We have kept in contact, he loves her like I did. So, if you guys have any knowledge (1st hand or from friends or fellow boat neighbors)or info that can help me (good or bad) I would greatly appreciate it. I plan to get a survey but would love to know more about them. Also, I know they are the higher end Bayliner. I have had 3 bayliners late 90's and early 2000s and have had no real concerns or issues, so not scared because of the stigma.

Thanks again, 

Anthony P.

 I wont ever leave you guys!! Lol
Anthony Price 
The Price is Right
MacRay Harbor, Harrison Twp., MI 


  • Liberty44140Liberty44140 Member Posts: 4,396 ✭✭✭✭✭
    There used to be two of the Maxxam 330s on our dock. I always thought they had great layouts and the owners loved them. I don’t remember any complaints except similar to some rinkers they listed quite a bit to one side or the other depending on how full waste and water was. Empty they sat level at the dock though. 
    07' Cruisers 390 (Previous Rinker's: 06' 342EC & 01' 310FV)

  • LaReaLaRea Member, Moderator Posts: 7,805 mod
    I had a 2400 SCR and loved it.  High-end Bayliner?  More like an almost-Rinker.  Great bang for the buck.  No stigma as far as I'm concerned.  

    I sold mine in 2003, so I just looked at a few 3300's online to refresh my memory.  They look nice, but my questions would be:  How solid is the hull?  Do they have leaks from flimsy construction?  How good is maintenance access to the engines?  
  • TonyG13TonyG13 Member Posts: 1,337 ✭✭✭✭
    Like @LaRea we had a 1994 Maxum 2400 SCR. Had it for almost 20 years and loved it. It was Brunswick's mid-tier line between Bayliner (at the bottom) and SeaRay (at the top). IMO - Solid construction and all their models had great layouts. If I found a good one I wouldn't hesitate about getting it. Just do your usual due diligence. Good luck!
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