Not all boat Pex, is Pex

I am adding a water filter to my galley faucet. I use an RV filter at the dock spogot at the city water outlet but I want to stop carting bottled water to the boat. We put an under sink filter in at our bar at home and it’s been awesome so adding to the boat. On my 342 I had a Brita faucet mounted filter in the galley and it was great but this boats faucet won’t work for that. This filter will feed both the galley and head sinks. Seemed pretty easy to use shark bites on the pex to to attach the 3/8” threaded compression fittings (standard home sink water lines), right? Wrong! The ID of my lines is narrower than standard Home Depot pex so shark bites won’t fit!
off to hardware store and we are really lucky to boat in a major boating community as the guy at the store says “yep, newer boats have standard pex now, older boats use polybutylene, but early to mid 2000s? Looks like Pex but it is 15mm”. Was lucky he stocks parts so I was all set.
so heads up, your pex may not be pex, May be “15mm”…

off to hardware store and we are really lucky to boat in a major boating community as the guy at the store says “yep, newer boats have standard pex now, older boats use polybutylene, but early to mid 2000s? Looks like Pex but it is 15mm”. Was lucky he stocks parts so I was all set.
so heads up, your pex may not be pex, May be “15mm”…

07' Cruisers 390 (Previous Rinker's: 06' 342EC & 01' 310FV)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
LR, no it won’t feed the ice maker. Thought about mounting it in the engine room so that it would feed the entire boat but was concerned about heat. Our city water is very good and I have the dockside filter so I really don’t need it for ice, it’s the straight drinking water that we wanted it for.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
The 15mm was OEM on my last boat and these fittings worked.