Anyone recomend a skeg guard as a solution to minor skeg damage?

I dragged my skeg on a rock this week. No damage to the motor and just some abrasion to the guard. Anyone with experience with skeg guards?
Best Answers
randy56 Member Posts: 4,085 ✭✭✭✭✭
I think that mostly is in the salt. I have had skeg guards in fresh with out any issues. The last time I purchased one was on E-bay. You really don't need it but it does look bad if it has a big chunk out of it. If it's just abrasion's file her down and re-paint.Boat Name : -
reneechris14 Member Posts: 3,134 ✭✭✭✭✭
I had a local weld shop weld my last year when bought the boat, he spent about 40 mins on it looks like new. 80 bucks hardest part was caring the 200 lbs bravo 3 around. It was of the boat. Skeg guard is about 1202005 Rinker FV342 Pawcatuck river,Ct