Boat won't start

boatman37boatman37 Member Posts: 810 ✭✭✭
So fogged the engine when I winterized it. Went out today to fire it up on muffs and it started up pretty easy. 2006 Merc 350 with TKS (Turn Key Start). I bumped the RPM's to about 1000 and let it run for a minute or so then went to kick the RPM back down and it stalled out. Now I can't get it to start back up. It fires but dies right back out. My batteries have been in it for a few weeks and are reading 12.2 volts with my volt meter so they are low. I'm thinking either my batteries were too low and at a low RPM my alternator wasn't putting out enough? Or maybe that my plugs need replaced because of the fogging oil? But it did run for 2 or 3 minutes before that and sounded fine?

Went to O'Reillys tonight and bought new plugs. No idea how old these ones are.

Thoughts? Temps never went over about 120* and oil pressure was about 50-60 psi. Oil was changed before winter and was checked before starting it.


  • aero3113aero3113 Member Posts: 9,090 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Possibly the IAC filter?
    2008 330EC
  • skennellyskennelly Member Posts: 2,196 ✭✭✭✭
    Do you hear the fuel pump kick on when you turn the key to the on position?  Sounds like no fuel to me.
    2002 - 270FV Mag 350 B3
  • boatman37boatman37 Member Posts: 810 ✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    not fuel injected so no IAC, correct? It's a TKS which is a 2 bbl carb that doesn't require pumping the throttle to start, although I tried that too.

    didn't pay attention to the fuel pump. We just bought this boat last August so not much experience with it but it ran great for the 3 weeks we used it last fall. i winterized it by flushing all water and probing the drains with wire then started it with pink running through the muffs then stored it underground where it stays at a constant 55*. not that any of that matters but just adding it to remove any questions about freezing.

    it tries to fire so the fuel pump is working. planning to change plugs tomorrow afternoon hopefully. need to get my step-son to do it cause my fat butt won't fit in

  • skennellyskennelly Member Posts: 2,196 ✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Well a engine needs fuel air and spark to start so your going down the right troubleshooting path.  Check the cap and rotor and plugs while your at it.

    Fuel filters too...really sounds like a lack of fuel
    2002 - 270FV Mag 350 B3
  • boatman37boatman37 Member Posts: 810 ✭✭✭
    The filter/separator was replaced last August when I bought the boat. Probably wouldn't hurt to change it again but doubt it needs it. Put about 10 hours on it last fall before pulling for the winter
  • boatman37boatman37 Member Posts: 810 ✭✭✭
    Pulled the fuel line off at the carb and the inline filter was clean. Put a towel under it and bumped the key and fuel shot out so the carb is getting fuel. I know this isn't the safest thing to do but I was ready just in case but only about a teaspoon of fuel shot out onto the towel.

    At this point have to assume it's spark related. Waiting on my step-son to get here to change plugs but not sure he'll even be able to get in there to change them and he is like a toothpick. I can't even reach any of the plugs to touch them.

    It's still possible it's a low battery issue. Charger is on now but I unplugged it overnight for safety reasons. Seems like now it isn't even trying to fire.
  • boatman37boatman37 Member Posts: 810 ✭✭✭
    Got it. It was fuel. We bought the boat last August and it had sat for 3 years. When we surveyed/sea trialed it it ran great for the first 20 minutes or so then started sputtering and stalling. We figured it was likely bad fuel. After we bought it we filled it with 93 octane and Star Tron and it ran fine the rest of the time. We ran it down to 1/4 tank last fall then I added more Star Tron and stored it for the winter.

    So today I pulled the fuel hose off the carb and when it spit out it didn't look great but I was at the helm so didn't get a good look. Step-son came over and we tried it again and he noticed the same thing. We hooked a hose to it and poured some into a clear container and the fuel was milky white. I had about 15-20 gallons in the boat and we were able to siphon about 6 gallons out and it got more and more clear as we pumped it. Lost siphon but the fuel looked good so hooked everything up and tried it again and it fired right up and sounds fine. Let it run about 20 minutes. We also emptied the filter/separator and put it back on. Going to try to get a new filter tomorrow and replace the old one. It definitely had water in it.

    Ended up not changing the plugs. Gonna let it cool down and try it again tomorrow morning. Will add 93 octane to fill it up and more Star Tron. Anything else I should add?
  • aero3113aero3113 Member Posts: 9,090 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Great news, keep some extra filters on board.
    2008 330EC
  • boatman37boatman37 Member Posts: 810 ✭✭✭
    Yep. Probably grab a couple of them
  • skennellyskennelly Member Posts: 2,196 ✭✭✭✭
    Good news
    2002 - 270FV Mag 350 B3
  • GMSLITHOGMSLITHO Member Posts: 1,590 ✭✭✭✭
    Wouldn’t hurt to put some dry gas in 
  • boatman37boatman37 Member Posts: 810 ✭✭✭
    I always put a bottle of Star Tron in every time I fuel up but may need something stronger?
  • boatman37boatman37 Member Posts: 810 ✭✭✭
    Well started it up again today in the driveway and it ran fine. Let it run about 5 or 10 minutes. Took it to the marina and stopped to fill it up with 93 octane and added a bottle of Star Tron. Got to the marina and backed it in. Started up right away then it stalled a minute or 2 later and wouldn't restart. Put a new filter/separator on it and the old one looked like dirty water. Still wouldn't start. Ended up coming back home with it on the trailer. Next step I guess is tearing into the carb.
  • GMSLITHOGMSLITHO Member Posts: 1,590 ✭✭✭✭
    Maybe you can disconnect from the tank and run a hose to a gas can ,be careful and keep a fire extinguisher handy at least you know the gas is good 
  • boatman37boatman37 Member Posts: 810 ✭✭✭
    Siphoned some out Saturday but it wasn't easy. Only got about 6 gallons out and lost siphon and couldn't get it going again. Near the end the fuel looked good. FWIW I replaced the filter today then later in the day pulled it off and it looked like good gas that time but still wouldn't run. It runs as long as you pour fuel into the carb or if you pump the throttle it will start up and run until the fuel you just pumped runs out. Pulled the fuel line off at the carb and hit the key and fuel shot into the towel I had in front of the line so fuel pressure seems good. It also stays idling longer if you hold your hands over the carb and choke it off. That tells me it either it isn't getting enough fuel or the fuel it is getting is bad. I'm leaning towards not getting enough fuel. Thinking maybe the carb ports may be plugged?

  • randy56randy56 Member Posts: 4,085 ✭✭✭✭✭
    How do you think the water got in? I had a boat once the rubber O ring was bad on the gas cap, and let rain water in the tank. But that gas inlet was on a flat deck, of a houseboat. Rinker's are up high on the side. You would think you burned through all that water-gas last year. 
    You may have to pull the inlet line off the tank and go in there or gas gauge, to get the rest out. Is there a screen on the carb, where the gas line attaches to the carb. I've those clog up with trash. 
    Boat Name : 

  • boatman37boatman37 Member Posts: 810 ✭✭✭
    Screen in the carb was fine but just for the heck of it I pulled it out and still no luck. BTW-it's a (2006 but not fuel injected). But the boat had sat for 3 years before I bought it last fall so I'm guessing the fuel went bad in that time. When we sea trialed it it ran fine for the first 20 minutes or so then started sputtering and stalling. Talked to the marina and the surveyor and we came to the conclusion it was old fuel. I topped it off with 93 octane and a couple of bottles of Star Tron and it was fine for the 10 hours or so we put on it last season. This winter I left about 1/4 tank in it with another bottle of Star Tron and it was stored in an underground mine for the winter. Yesterday I added about 55 gallons of 93 octane to top it off. But it ran fine at home on the muffs for about 20 minutes Saturday and about 5 or 10 minutes yesterday. Wondering if adding fuel stirred up everything on the bottom?
  • randy56randy56 Member Posts: 4,085 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nothing wrong with Crownline, i had one, equal to Rinker,  toured the Crowline factory. If it were mine i would clean the carb. Then put a fuel water separator in line. As most Crownlines did not come with one. Then get all that bad fuel out of the tank, clean it the best I could. Through the port holes in the floor,even though you just filled it up.  Gas does not last long these days.  Did the  engine die after 5 minutes yesterday?  What model do you have ?
    Boat Name : 

  • boatman37boatman37 Member Posts: 810 ✭✭✭
    its a 2006 250CR. it has the separator on it already. replaced it last august when i bought the boat then yesterday after we had trouble at the ramp replaced it again as the old one was full of water. have dumped the new one out about 3 times so far and full of water each time. today we pumped out about 15 gallons of fuel and probably 8-10 gallons of that was water. the last 3 gallons we pulled were all clean fuel and we took it from the front, middle, and rear of the tank. put everything back together but waiting for the fumes to clear out before we try to start it again.

    yeah, ran about 1 minute yesterday at the ramp but about 5-10 minutes at home before we left. my theory is when we were at the ramp all the water ran to the back of the tank near the pickup so when we started it thats all we got.
  • boatman37boatman37 Member Posts: 810 ✭✭✭
    Well after siphoning about 17 gallons of fuel (of which probably 7 or 8 gallons was water). The last 3 or 4 gallons looked good with no water and we pumped from the front, center and rear of the tank. Started it up and let it run 12 minutes (yep, timed Was planning to turn it around so the boat was facing uphill in my driveway to start it again in hopes any water left would run to the back of the tank and get sucked up. Well having an issue with my truck. More on that....

    So boat sounded great. Pulled the filter and dumped it into a glass. A little water in the bottom but not much.

    Now to the truck...just bought a 2018 Ram 2500 and when I got home yesterday I couldn't back it up my driveway cause the trailer brakes kept locking up. I have the 5 pin to 7 pin adapter and it worked fine with my old truck. From what I read the center pin on the truck should be for the reverse lights. I have no power at mine. This center pin is supposed to supply power to the solenoid on the trailer to stop the trailer brakes from activating. So now need to figure that out. Reverse lights on the truck work fine.
  • randy56randy56 Member Posts: 4,085 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Have you a theory on how the water got in. That's a lot of it. Cannot help on electric brake's, but nice truck,  the hydraulic brake's used to have a place that you could lock out the trailer brakes when backing uphill. I think I would not plug the trailer in. When backing uphill. 
    You will get this gas problem whipped, get it all out, there is a cheap 12 volt fuel pump, at any auto parts store and 1/4 gas line, if ya get tired of gas/water in the mouth.  
    You are wise to wait a little while before starting, 
    Boat Name : 

  • boatman37boatman37 Member Posts: 810 ✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Thanks. Unplugging the trailer won't help as the brakes are hydraulic and will activate whether plugged in or not. What the plug does is supplies power to the solenoid that prevents the brake fluid from activating the brakes. There is no mechanical lockout on mine. Looked all over. It's a Titan model 10.

    The boat sat for 3 years shrink wrapped before we bought it so my guess is it was just the ethanol in the fuel. I have a West Marine hand pump for oil changes and used that today to suck the fuel out. My plan is to run the boat until I get the fuel down pretty far then pump out the rest until the tank is empty.

  • StodgeStodge Member Posts: 2,738 ✭✭✭✭
    I had 2 gallons of water sneak into one of my gas tanks last season.  The O ring on the gas cap had rotted and fallen off.  That let rain water go in instead of going around the gas fill.

    2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX

  • rasburyrasbury Member Posts: 8,452 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You should have a spot to put a block of wood in , I have a Titan also...
  • rasburyrasbury Member Posts: 8,452 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Here is my tow rig getting ready to head to the river, Ford power!
  • boatman37boatman37 Member Posts: 810 ✭✭✭
    can't find anywhere to put a block of wood. the coupler is boxed so no way that i can see to get anything in there. its a titan model 10. keep blowing that fuse when i hook up the boat so can't move the boat until i figure this out...ugh
  • randy56randy56 Member Posts: 4,085 ✭✭✭✭✭
    found this

    Can Titan Model 10 Actuator be Locked Out When Backing Up


    is there a way to lockout the model 10 actuator for backing up when you are using the one for drum brakes

    asked by: Mike S

    Expert Reply:

    You can pretty easily add an electric lockout to the Titan Model 10 actuator part # T2478100. For that all you would need is the part # T4748800. This will then allow you back up a hill without the brakes locking up.

    Boat Name : 

  • rasburyrasbury Member Posts: 8,452 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Is yours not like this? I have to block it to back up, e trailer apparently suggested the wrong back up lock out when I replaced it and the master cylinder...
  • boatman37boatman37 Member Posts: 810 ✭✭✭
    hmmm. i'll go hide my head in shame yeah, mine is just like that. disn't even think about that.
    mine already has the brake lockout but the fuse keeps blowing so it won't activate. but i think i found the problem. looked at the trailer tonight and saw a white wire (should be a ground) that wasn't connected to anything. Looked and saw a ring terminal screwed to the trailer frame inside the tube so that wire likely came from there. But even worse the blue wire was pinched between the frame and large washer that is on the bolt that attached the safety chain. Loosened that bold and the wire came out and broke in half. Pretty sure it was shorting against the frame. Will try to fix that tomorrow morning if the rain holds off. And found fuses. The local Dodge dealer didn't have them so stopped by the local Chevy dealer. They happened to have an old fuse box off a Jeep that was full of fuses. They had the ones I needed so they pulled them out and gave them to me:). Hopefully will have this fixed early tomorrow
  • randy56randy56 Member Posts: 4,085 ✭✭✭✭✭
     good catch, no need for shame, soon you will be able to back up the drive, get that water problem solved an be on the water. picture's are requested. 
    Boat Name : 

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