Seadoo challenger exhaust question
Member Posts: 4,394 ✭✭✭✭✭
hoping that the experts dude and zav have advice on this one. Again I’ve got a 1996 sea doo challenger 800 jet boat with a single 787. Used it for the first time this season yesterday and it ran great. I opened up the engine room to have a look mid run because I rebuilt the raves this spring. All good. Later after we took it out of the water we noticed exhaust smoke in the engine room. Cleared pretty quick after opening. We did power it up on to the trailer so the pipe was submerged for a bit with it running, it sat on and idled at an angle while I cranked for a bit, and when we gave it a quick start stop on the trailer to clear water the wind was strong directly behind us.
Is it possible to have some exhaust back up in to the engine room while she sat half on the trailer running in the water or does there have to be a leak somewhere?
Is it possible to have some exhaust back up in to the engine room while she sat half on the trailer running in the water or does there have to be a leak somewhere?
07' Cruisers 390 (Previous Rinker's: 06' 342EC & 01' 310FV)
deff check your exhaust components for a possible leak.
down pipe
water box
While I have you, should the red rave cap's be screwed in all the way, or level with the black top? They were screwed all the way in but I read lots of posts that they should be level so I moved them to level when I re built. THANKS!