New To Rinker - Couple Questions

We recently purchased a 2012 246BR. Finally got out on the water this weekend and have a couple questions for you all.
1. Added Seadek to the platform. We love it so far. I'd like to extend it further in the walkthrough. See Picture. I sent Seadeck an email, hoping they respond. Anyone else added this? How did you order?
2. Stock stereo. Head unit is in the head...LOL....remotes at helm and in walk through transom. It says it's Sirius Satellite ready. How the heck do you active? Also when going through the modes it comes up "Aux".....I don't see an input for an Aux cord??
3. Cooler space. It didn't come with a cooler. We had a Coleman I thought would fit. It doesn't. Is the stock cooler an Igloo? Anyone else have a good cooler recommendation that fits in that space?
Thanks for any input.
Do you have a Sirius antenna installed on the boat? It would be a small mushroom antenna installed someplace up high on the boat - not sure where on your model. If not, you'd have to add one. Then setting it up is pretty simple.
The aux input is on the back of the head unit. Does the stereo have have built-in Bluetooth? If not, you can get a Bluetooth interface that plugs into the aux input. Cheap, easy to install and they work great for playing music from a phone or iPad. Do a search of the forum and you'll find a few discussions about them.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
ozark trail soft side cooler works pretty good and fits in our factory 270 spot..
I have sirrus & pandora running bluetooth from a note great..
hava great sunday
Thanks for replies! We're in Missouri. Let's Go Blues!! :-) We frequent Lake Ozarks and Mark Twain.
I haven't seen a Sirius antenna anywhere on the boat. I need to investigate more. Our cell service sucks on our lakes and Pandora never worked on our old boat. Gotta figure something out. Our headunit has a built in CD player that is accessed by the face opening. Who the heck uses CD's anymore? LOL I couldn't find an aux jack anywhere. Ugh. Is it even possible to replace those headunits? I assume a stereo guy with much more skills than I have likely can.
I've done some searching and appears the Igloo Marine 36 cooler is the one. Not a great cooler but should do the job for a day trip and will be great to have it out of the way under the seat.
what head unit ?
Go Steelers!!!
Ill look under the sterling wheel for the aux jack. It is the stock radio. Have been out once this year do to all the rain. Ugh.
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club