As I have read other posts, my on / off temp setting switch which was stuck now spins all the way is stuck on an on position...not sure where in the that switch replaceable?
wow, what a dumb dumb I am! Was confused with your comment Randy until I re read my post- not my a/c but my fridge! The knob on the inside had gotten stuck....I sprayed it down and let it soak but must have turned it to hard and the knob just goes in circle with no stop position....don't know if it is functioning or not- it does not turn off so I assume turning the knob is not doing is running however and but it on the charge last night and will be curious to see how cold it is when I get back in there...
OHH The fridge, The knob on mine got very hard to turn, so I removed it to figure out the problem. As it turned out. It was just stiff. Reinstalled it and used pliers from then on, no problem. Set it and forget it.
So, I'm wondering ....I started to remove the whole mechanism..there is one screw holding it down that's a little behind the "ice box" but it's loose. Does that shaft with the knob on it engage with something else and because it is loose, it's not connecting? I need to get it off now to see. I did the plyiers thing before and that worked but it got jambed up again. Will get it apart this weekend...when I can run the Genny and the air cause it's hot!
Your so lucky to live in FL in June. There is a replacement for that control switch. If I remember correctly, you will have to cut the wire's and re soder them when you get the new switch. The picture below is not the correct switch but a sample picture, but now you will understand what it looks like.
so the only thing I can find ( there are no parts for these fridges, where are they made, Siberia or something?) is similar but says it is 120V/240 which is not what I need is it....