Battery charger

caik01caik01 Member Posts: 39
I own a Rinker Fiesta Vee 342 and cannot get my port motor to do anything. I put the boat in for the season in May with no issues and it sat for several weeks due to poor weather. I attempted to take it out last night and nothing happened when I turned the key for the port motor. Starboard fires up no problem. I checked all of the batteries and 3 of the 4 batteries read 11v while the one with the port motor reads 4.5v. I know I either have a dead battery or a bad battery charger. I moved the port motor to a different battery and still silence. I'm thinking the ignition may be bad also? I was able to re-route the port motor into the starboard ignition and get it to work. Thoughts? My marine radio has also alarmed low battery since last season when the boat is running.


  • skennellyskennelly Member Posts: 2,196 ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2019
    Did you check the main breaker on the port engine?  It's a red button usually around the distributor area.

    Put a multi-meter on the charger and see what it's output is...should be around 14v.

    Check all the breakers for the charger.

    2002 - 270FV Mag 350 B3
  • aero3113aero3113 Member Posts: 9,090 ✭✭✭✭✭
    11 volts is too low, I’m sure you know 4.5 is also. How old are your batteries? What do the batteries read with the starboard engine running? While plugged into shore power with the charger on, what do the batteries show?
    2008 330EC
  • caik01caik01 Member Posts: 39
    The batteries are only 2 years old. Plugged into shore power is when I get the 11v readings
  • caik01caik01 Member Posts: 39
    Went back to the boat checked everything, batteries charger inverter, all of the above, lucky for us everything checked out good talked to a friend the only thing we could think of was that possibly the right amount of corrosion disrupted the charge because we could find nothing wrong now. Going to really clean terminals and connections and hopefully that's all that's needed. Thanks for all of your input
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