Ganga on the water

Had a Coast Guard vessel bust a boater here in Michigan for pot on board. Towed in...marine cops. While pot is now legal in MI, the CG runs by federal law...and pot is not legal. Somehow things ‘got worked out’ between all the law agencies and the guy got let go. Something to remember if you partake in a state where it is legal.
Past owner of a 2003 342FV
PC BYC, Holland, MI
PC BYC, Holland, MI
PC BYC, Holland, MI
Either way, consumption by the driver at any time or any passenger's while under way is illegal. Like alcohol it can only be consumed if anchored and engine off.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Now if you want confusing, I wonder how many from states where weed is legal and border Canada, went to Canada to take advantage of the exchange rate and were told by the U.S. customs agents that their purchase was not allowed to cross the border.
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX
It's been interesting seeing law enforcement tiptoe through that minefield... locally they've confiscated someones' CBD and held it for a few months, only to destroy it when it tested legal. Now that person is threatening a lawsuit for intentional destruction of property - and I understand in NC there's been civil forfeiture cases over Farm Bill legal CBD.
My unpopular opinion: legalize it federally. I never touched any drugs (aside from alcohol) for 36 years and believed all the hype. Once I tried it my eyes were open to the medical benefit, the recreational benefit, and the complete waste of tax dollars trying to wage a war against a plant. There's drugs that I don't believe folks should have ready access to (yet they still do today), but cannabis is not one of them. Kratom is another that's helped me immensely, yet once Big Pharma got patents on the active alkaloids suddenly the FDA pushed to Schedule it too. Big anything is Bad anything - Land of the Free is a lie and these ridiculous nanny-state laws are an insult to the Brave that fought for our freedoms.