Heat Build up in Cockpit

WillhoundWillhound Member Posts: 4,215 ✭✭✭✭✭
Ran over to check the boat after work tonight. I'm in an open slip, bow pointed west, so gets full late afternoon/evening sun. Hot today, 28C (about 83F for you "Foreignheat " guys). Temp in cockpit was 45C or 113F. Secured a white poly tarp I had over the windshield and front eisenglass and within minutes was down to 100F. Considering new canvas and when I do I'll also add a front sun cover. That heat has to be hard/on the interior. Any other tricks? One of those windshield sun shades like in a car? Even thinking about a solar powered fan to suck heat out somehow but that would require sewing into the canvas or something I guess.
"Knot Quite Shore" - 2000 FV270 (Sold)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
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