Capsized boat and rescue on Lake Michigan (Chicago)
We were out at the same time -- but about two miles south - when this happened...
All I can say is I hope folks will:
1. Read the marine weather reports/forecasts BEFORE going out and plan accordingly.
2. Know you and your boat's limitations BEFORE you go out.
All I can say is I hope folks will:
1. Read the marine weather reports/forecasts BEFORE going out and plan accordingly.
2. Know you and your boat's limitations BEFORE you go out.
it's not about vessel- if you're relying on the vessel then you're likely ill equipped to captain on even a pond... it ain't the 'skill' alone either- if you take a john boat 3+ miles offshore in anything greater than 3' you also deserve being dropped into a desert for the rest of your years, too... it's about having just marginally good sense, plain and simple.. knowing your limits and the limits of your boat. hedging your bet by having life saving items at hand... and acting accordingly.
a dude lost his boat this weekend. it sank while being anchored in the sound. i don't know the story yet, but i am assured through the filter of observation accumulating into experience, that there is a fair amount of dumb-backside-ery involved, and just as certain as with the story of this Lake Michigan boat.
PC BYC, Holland, MI
In case you don't notice that boat is under power. There's a video, but only on facebook.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
PC BYC, Holland, MI
The reporter should have noted that in Maryland - as well as in all Federally regulated waters - PWCs cannot be operated between sunset and sunrise.
PC BYC, Holland, MI
This year is getting crazy.
I have a sad feeling, with the high water levels, we will be reporting on a lot more of these before the summer is over.
Combine darkness, lack of local knowledge, speed, and probably alcohol -- and it's inevitable.
PC BYC, Holland, MI