I have a 2000 270 and I am installing air does anybody have pics of there front bilge so I know where pump and filter goes and pickup rinker has no info for me
The pump mounts right above the thru hull and the filter maybe 6 inches from the pump I found this photo on my computer from earlier Ill try to get a better one today
I cant take a pic of my boat, but the previous owner had a Dometic 6,000 BTU Turbo unit with the composite drain pan installed. The sea water pump (identical to the one posted above by GMSLITHO) and seacock are installed directly to the floor between shower sump pump and the bulkhead where GMSLITHO's is installed. I'll be at my boat tomorrow and can take a pic then. Good luck with the project!
Greatlakesskipper.com has a cool pump/strainer combo on a stainless riser for sale. It's nice because it keeps it out of the bilge water if there is any. Although mine is typically dry. But you never know. Almost bought it myself when I had to replace the pump but I didn't want to wait for a new one to arrive.