Need Volvo Penta Help
i am in the dark when it comes to Volvo penta electronics.
my buddy has a 2005 twin Volvo penta 8.1 gxi boat.
last fall his port side tachometer quit working. Someone else came out and tried swapping the tachs around. Now both of his tachs don’t work lol
i fear that they fried both ecm outputs with a shorted tach.
anyway does Volvo sell something similar to merc version of vessel view for 2005 models?
i am in the dark when it comes to Volvo penta electronics.
my buddy has a 2005 twin Volvo penta 8.1 gxi boat.
last fall his port side tachometer quit working. Someone else came out and tried swapping the tachs around. Now both of his tachs don’t work lol
i fear that they fried both ecm outputs with a shorted tach.
anyway does Volvo sell something similar to merc version of vessel view for 2005 models?
Check this one out it may help.