270 FV transom speakers...anyone added them?

I want to add some speakers to the back of my 270 for when we're anchored and swimming in the water. I'm currently thinking about mounting 2 - 6.5" round speakers right on the rear of the boat, one under the water washdown hose and then one over by the walkthough. Has anyone added rear facing speakers? Pics?
You can buy pod speakers or buy pods and add your own speakers. If you ever resell you dont have 6.5 inch holes cut in the back of the transom.
Go Steelers!!!
Greg, if you remember the speaker that Pau Hana had on the back of his boat, well, it can be had for a little over $100. What's nice is that it's not only Bluetooth, but can also be set to radio station (remember, we were transmitting over 88.3). This allows the speaker to be at a much larger range away (up to about ~150ft) and still work well.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
2007 280 Rinker Express 6.2L B3
What size batteries are you guys running for amps? I want to add one 4 channel for some 6.5s and 8s then a second to run a pair of subs. I dont want to run them off of my 2 batteries for the motor. The last time i ran one of my batteries down too low and i flipped the switch to charge the dead one i ate an alternator belt. Im still washing chunks of rubber/belt out of my bilge.
I need to check if this is exact one (I know it's made by ION), but we have used this now for the past month and the entire weekend at Rinkervous. For $120, it's a no brainer. Absolutely the best and easiest way to put music wherever you want. Another great thing, you charge it up and use it all weekend! Doesn't run down your batteries. You can take it to the beach or wherever. No mounting needed (gosh, I sound like an infomercial!
Just this weekend we talked about getting one or two more of these. 4 of these will sound better from the water than that remanned wet sounds system, cheaper, and will play longer as well.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express