Crazy start to Block Island vacation

We left our marina at 6am on Sunday morning for a 105 mile ride to Block Island. Since it was so nice out we decided to go out Moriches Inlet and take the ocean(instead of staying inside through the bays). It was a pretty good ride and we made it to just south of Montauk Point when my wife became ill. She started vomiting over the side of the boat, her heart was racing and she lost feeling in her extremities. What I originally thought was sea-sickness was not the issue. I abandoned the 16 mile open ocean crossing to Block and hauled a$$ to the north side of Montauk and entered Lake Montauk Harbor looking for help. I came up to Montauk Marine Basins dock and yelled for the dockhand to grab the line I tossed to him. The Dockmaster came down and saw my wife in a fetal position on the floor of the boat and immediately called an ambulance. I grabbed my wallet, handed the dockmaster the keys to my boat and jumped into the ambulance with my wife for a 38 mile ride to the nearest hospital. Everything happened so fast that I had to ask the ambulance driver the name of the place that I left my boat. So after a 45 minute ride to the hospital and a 5hr stay... severe dehydration and a few other minor issues created the “perfect storm”.... after getting out of the hospital we had to take a Uber back to the marina. Upon arrival I find my boat tied up nicely in a slip, electric plugged in, the AC turned on for us and the dinghy removed w/engine installed and tied up at dinghy dock. We stayed the night and woke up this morning feeling good and refreshed for our trip across to Block Island. We’re here anchored at Breezy Point now... what a crazy way to start our vacation!!
Important take away while in the heat is drink lots of water and stay hydrated.
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX
I sure hope the rest of your trip goes well!
The admiral is a nurse, and every now and then throughout the day she'll bring a bottle of water over to me and say "finish this before you finish your drink". I guess this makes a point of why I should continue listening to her.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
There’s a ton of water in my bilge!!! Yell to wife “HIT BOTH BILGE PUMPS!!”... stood there and watched as the water emptied out quickly. I immediately close the hatch, move the giant cooler into the cabin and turn boat around to head back to Montauk... at this point I’m extremely nervous and moving fast to close the 8 mile distance to land. After about 3 minutes I stopped to check bilge.... BONE DRY!! so I climbed in and had a good look, no water coming in from anywhere.... then I use my brain a bit...
- we were plowing, aft buried and bow high.
- heavy cooler and dink motor in aft(before hospital incident cooler was in cabin and not was balanced out).
- THE BIGGEST CULPRIT: My dinghy is dragged behind me(had custom davits made to attach it with bow of dink on my swim platform)... I have the low platform FV270 and while “plowing” the wake of my boat was bouncing off the dinghy and pouring into the engine bay through the drain holes for engine bay lip. Another perfect storm!!! Seems that when I am up on plane there’s no “backsplash” from the nose of the dink. The backsplash must’ve been enough to flood over the lip and splash right onto the distributor cap causing the engine to sputter. Soooooo after calming down a bit and learning from our experience, we turned back around, got up on plane and made it over to Block Island without further incidents.
Right now we’re cooking some potatoes, sausages, ham and eggs and hoping the fog lifts so we can get to shore and have some fun.
An absolute CRAZY (2) days but we learned a lot... and we made it here!!
always get on vhf and contact coast guard or nearest harbor. Every second counts and it’s nice to have ems ready or on the way
Looks beautiful out there! You deserve to have a great vacation! Enjoy!
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
@Dream_Inn - you’re 100 percent correct... makes you a much better captain!!
Have fun @diggin2day1
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
I'm curious, what's with the line tied to your anchor? Never seen someone do that before.
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express