Encountering Faults? Check this out...

212rowboat212rowboat Member Posts: 2,593 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited September 2013 in RBO Forum Archives
I'm aiming for a sticky with this one... It would be a good thing if folks could look through this and the other (hopeful) contributions in effort to help themselves out.. I know I'll be printing off these audible codes and keeping them on-board in my dry box just in case..

Constant tone alarms are for:
1.) engine coolant temp overheat,
2.) low engine oil pressure,
3.) engine over speed,
4.) exhaust manifold cooling temp overheat
5.) sea pump PSI low

Constant beep alarms are for:
1.) low outdrive lube level.

Two Alarm beeps every 60 seconds are for:
1.) Faulty cam,
2.) IAC,
3.) MAP,
4.) MAT,
5.) knock sensors.
6.) open/short in the engine cooling temp circuit
7.) open/short in fuel injector wiring circuit,
8.) open/short in oil PSI circuit,
9.) open/short in exhaust manifold cooling temp circuit,
10.) open/short in sea pump circuit,
11.) open/short in throttle position circuit - See more at: http://rinkerboats.vanillaforums.com/discussion/1012/2-beeps#latest
Constant tone alarms are for:
1.) engine coolant temp overheat,
2.) low engine oil pressure,
3.) engine over speed,
4.) exhaust manifold cooling temp overheat
5.) sea pump PSI low

Constant beep alarms are for:
1.) low outdrive lube level.

Two Alarm beeps every 60 seconds are for:
1.) Faulty cam,
2.) IAC,
3.) MAP,
4.) MAT,
5.) knock sensors.
6.) open/short in the engine cooling temp circuit
7.) open/short in fuel injector wiring circuit,
8.) open/short in oil PSI circuit,
9.) open/short in exhaust manifold cooling temp circuit,
10.) open/short in sea pump circuit,
11.) open/short in throttle position circuit

here are some factors to know- if you're experiencing limited power, and have audible codes, this may help you narrow it down:

Warning system Faults, SC1000 Yes/No, Audio Alarm, Available Power %, Description.

(1) Cam Sensor Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Open or short, engine must be cranking to set this fault code.

(2) ECT CKT HI Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Open
(3) ECT CKT LO Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Short
(4) ECT Coolant Overheat Yes Constant 6-100 % Engine guardian overheat condition
(5) EST 1-8 Open Yes 2 Bp/min NA Coil harness wire open
(6) EST 1-8 Short Yes 2 Bp/min NA Coil harness wire short
(7) Fuel Injector 1-8 Open Yes 2 Bp/min NA Fuel injector wire open.
(8) Fuel Injector 1-8 Short Yes 2 Bp/min NA Fuel injector wire short
(9) IAC Output Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Only with rpm
(10) Knock Sensor 1 Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Alarm sounds for 20 seconds in NEUTRAL and indefinitely in gear.
(11) Knock Sensor 2 Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Alarm sounds for 20 seconds in NEUTRAL and indefinitely in gear.
(12) Low Drive Lube Strategy Yes Steady Bp 0-100% Low oil in sterndrive.
(13) Low Oil Pressure Strategy Yes Constant 0-100% Low oil pressure strategy.
(14) MAP Sensor 1 Input High No 2 Bp/min 90% Short, no visual on SC1000.
(15) MAP Sensor 1 Input Low No 2 Bp/min 90% Open, no visual on SC1000.
(16) MAT Sensor Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Open or short in MAT circuit.
(17) Oil PSI CKT Hi Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Short, defaults to 51.7 psi.
(18) Oil PSI CKT Lo Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Open, zero oil pressure.
(19) Overspeed Yes Constant RPM Limit Engine over rpm limit
(20) Port EMCT CKT Hi Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Open, defaults to 32 degrees F.
(21) Port EMCT CKT Lo Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Short, defaults to 32 degrees F.
(22) Port EMCT CKT Overheat Yes Constant 6-100% Overheat condition, 212
degreesF(100 degrees C) limit.
(23) Sea Pump PSI Lo Yes Constant 6-100% Low water pressure strategy, defaults to 43.4 psi.
(24) Sea Pump CKT Hi Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Open.
(25)Sea Pump CKT Lo Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Short.
(26) STB EMCT CKT Hi Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Open, defaults to 32 degrees F.
(27) STB EMCT CKT Lo Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Short, defaults to 32 degrees F.
(28) STB EMCT CKT Overheat Yes Constant 6-100% Overheat condition, 212 degrees (100 degrees C) limit.
(29) Steer CKT Hi Yes No No Open and short.
(30) TPS1 CKT Hi Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Short, signal to 5v+, engine will not start. Refer to data monitor screen.
(31) TPS1 CKT Lo Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Open.
(32) TPS 1 Range Hi Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Above 4.8v, 994 counts.
(33) TPS 1 Range Lo Yes 2 Bp/min 90% Below 0.5v, 35 counts.
(34) Trim CKT Hi Yes No No Short, high range, visual warning on SC1000 only.
(35) Trim CKT Lo Yes No No Open, low range, visual warning on SC1000 only.
(36) 5 VDC PWR Low Yes 2 Bp/min varies Short any 5v+ to ground.

known and common issues:

IAC's... these things are notorious for gumming them up... 2 beeps every minute, limited to 80% power.

Gear/lower lube sensors... sometimes they are hung, sometimes they are bad, most often they are truly empty- constant beep, 20% reduction in power..

Sea pump... your engine isn't drinking like it should, or the sensor is corroded and thinking it isn't.. constant tone..

please add as you see fit? 

I'm thinking this may help someone with a signal on their phone and a "boat turned raft"... if so, mission accomplished. :-D

Post edited by Babyboomer on


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