Volvo penta trim cyliner ground strap in fresh water?

Have a volvo penta outdrive a guy is making a stink over ground straps. Trailer kept, fresh water use only. I see way more mercury outdrives than volvo penta. I dont do a lot of anodes around here unless slip kept. Really no issues other than boats i see with bottom paint all the way to outdrive plus slip kept. Should i appease this dude and install his straps and take his money or tell him its not an issue in fresh water use(5 hrs from ocean) and trailer kept boat? I dont mind making money off of him but I'm busy and dont see the need in charging him to haul to my home and install an overpriced 3 inch piece of wire if he doesnt need it. Maybe talk him into doing it along with baffles this winter but as of i dont see any need to make money off of him if it's not necessary, i like money but im honestly so busy with boats that have real running issues that I'd rather not fool with it at present time. Hopefully one of you guys can chime in that are more knowledgeable than me on vp, mercury has the anodes on each cyliner but honestly on 10yr old boats the anodes usually look fine around here when they sleep on trailers and dont make trips to the coast. My personal boat outdrive looks like crap but it was on the Chesapeake plus bottom paint touching outdrive (thanks po). Ive been brought used vp boats in the past where I swapped outdrives from one donor hull to another but i dont recall any straps on them, again i usually only fool with fresh water boats.