I polished a #2, what are you doing this weekend?

PickleRickPickleRick Member Posts: 4,069 ✭✭✭✭✭
Finally got to the lake early enough to claim the beach i got the great sunset pic of the sailboat on.  Summer is almsot gone so i wont have many more opportunities to snap one of the rinker.  Have not had the boat in the water in two weeks due to work at my dad's lake home but it's nice to be back.  Spent two weeks honing out stuck brake cylinders on the axles and a master cyliner. The master cylinder slowly leaks now so a new one is on the way.  Also got a chance to wash, clean and wax the boat since purchase.  It looks much better, not Canadian nice ( they have the best swim platforms and hockey players up there) but muddy bank lake hartwell nice for a cheap Craigslist must sell before another slip payment is due boat.  So I now have a currently washed waxed boat although the dog is already working on erasing any evidence i cleaned the cockpit area.

Then on my way home from work last i smelt burning brakes/clutch at a traffic light. I passed it off as a truck on the under pass. Got home and i have a front wheel bearing shot and a dinner at 7.  So on the way to dinner i dropped the old front brake caliper off at orileys in exchange for a new one and got a cheap wheel hub assy until i can get a moog in.  Had a great dinner with the gf and friend, trailer loaded by midnight.  So despite bad luck again im back on the lake!

Hopefully more pics to come this weekend. Supposed to be hot and helpfully stay dry.



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