I hate to be ignorant but is it the reservoir above the fuel pump, or one in back by blower hose? I'm not sure which one is for the motor tilt trim and which is for the trim tabs which I removed and haven't replaced yet but the motor tilt/trim has worked since then, but the reservoir above the fuel pump is full to proper level, unsure other one.
Thank you! It has fluid in it. It makes noise just like it does when it is working properly but is stuck up in the trailer position in a slip, won't move down.
I’ve seen this happen before on an older boat. I ended up standing on the drive bouncing a little while someone hit the down switch. It worked after that.
I hope I can get it working, theres a hurricane brewing and I have to get it out. Not sure how much control I'll have of the boat stuck all the way in "trailer up"
@darren,You'll probably ruin your U joint, maybe other drive parts as well. Never meant to be rotating at that angle. You'd better have it towed. Less expensive in the long run.
I dont think the outdrive is super heavy. If in a rush, pull trim cylinder rods and bungee out of the way. Pull the rods using rope or strap to hold it in place then lower gentle. Youll have forward, no reverse. Just keep idle speeds. Id still rather have a buddy tow me.
I cannot remember if a bravo has a stop /bumper in the down position, ive never looked on my alpha. I know my vovlo 290 does. Make 100% sure before following my advice.
The stop btw will be a bar or plate where the outdrive cannot push itself under the transom/hull of the boat. It will be located at the bottom of the transom plate and back side of outdrive where it rests at full down position
@Darren I'm not for sure the length of your boat.....
We often are forced to run in full trim getting over some sand bars. So long as you are at idle speed only, AND not turning hard over you will be fine.
I have heard many say don't do it; but I can tell you from experience if you run at idle speeds only you will not hurt anything. I have yet to replace a u-joint from these actions....and have been doing for many years; just a little common sense and care you will be fine.
If there is lots of wind, and you have tight quarters this will be difficult as your control is greatly diminished from not having drive very deep in water.
It's a 26 foot 265 fiesta vee. Thanks so much! I think I am just going to try it rather than trying to fix whatever the issue is at this point ahead of the hurricane, yesterday I wound up with a dead truck battery and wasn't able to attempt.
This is your trim pump and reservoir for your outdrive.
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX
I cannot remember if a bravo has a stop /bumper in the down position, ive never looked on my alpha. I know my vovlo 290 does. Make 100% sure before following my advice.
I'd even leak down the cylinders if i had to.
@Darren I'm not for sure the length of your boat.....
We often are forced to run in full trim getting over some sand bars. So long as you are at idle speed only, AND not turning hard over you will be fine.
I have heard many say don't do it; but I can tell you from experience if you run at idle speeds only you will not hurt anything. I have yet to replace a u-joint from these actions....and have been doing for many years; just a little common sense and care you will be fine.
If there is lots of wind, and you have tight quarters this will be difficult as your control is greatly diminished from not having drive very deep in water.
Good Luck!