Boat lists/leans to starboard

'03 312 FV lists to starboard when docked and underway. Four batteries - two port and two starboard with the genset in-between. Easiest way to fix? Try to keep water full and waste low but not only is this not very practical is doesn't help that much.
'03 Rinker 312 Fiesta Vee
If it's a bad list I'd also make sure you don't have water coming in anywhere that has gotten into the hull but that would be an extreme case.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Moving all of the beer to the other side would reverse the lean
Maybe moving the two starboard batteries as far port as possible would help.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
They are flat so it wont take much space. Coolers or buckets filled with water can give an idea of how much weight to place. Lead wont rust. I think my step brother has added about 400 lbs to the front of his Malibu wakesetter. Sucks when boats like that come into a barrow cove where everyone is anchored.
PC BYC, Holland, MI
If youre in gasser cabin cruiser mpgs are of no concern lol. If it was you'd have a diesel.
PC BYC, Holland, MI
I'd seriously look at moving a battery or two if you can. Or add to your house battery bank. If you're going to spend money and add weight it might as well be useful.
Of course, my first suggestion could be useful also...nudge nudge wink wink
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Once you know approx weight you can then buy lead. I didn't know they offered bags of lead, im local to several industrial scrap metal recycle shops so when my step brother wanted to add weight to his wakesetter he bought scrap sheets of lead for scrap resell prices. He then epoxied them into his hull where they dont slide around, he can pop them back up pretty easily if he wanted to as it was just tack spots of epoxy. A paint scraper.