Merc peeps out there....
So, buying oil filters for my end of season oil changes.....what’s the difference between Sierra, Quicksilver, Mercruiser filters???
For S&G’s I bought both the Merc & Quicksilver brand. (turns out identical) Stopped by our local Marine store, Sierra - the same.
So....what gives?
Still like Mobil1 products maybe go back.
Mattie, had a great day on the boat today BTW.
For S&G’s I bought both the Merc & Quicksilver brand. (turns out identical) Stopped by our local Marine store, Sierra - the same.
So....what gives?
Still like Mobil1 products maybe go back.
Mattie, had a great day on the boat today BTW.
246BR, 276BR, H310BR current
PC BYC, Holland, MI
And no, not because it gives him work.
Look at it this way. I highly doubt Merc, or even Sierra for that matter, has a big filter factory. Somewhere there's a factory spitting out filters with different paint lines to dress them up and ship them out. Havung said that, obviously stay with a better known name.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Go Steelers!!!