bravo three noise in gear

I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this noise. 2005 320 with Bravo 3. 560 hours . Port drive has a slight growl/whirr when put in forward or reverse. noise is very light put is gone when in neutral. Drive oil has always been changed annually with Merc high performance lube. The boat is coming out next week so I was going to change and inspect oil maybe run on muffs and listen to the case with a stethoscope. any thoughts ? Thanks
Go Steelers!!!
PC BYC, Holland, MI
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
I'm extremely lucky. My mechanic offers a service every fall where he pulls the drive, takes it to his shop and pressure tests it, changes the oil and while he's at it inspects the gimbal bearing and then re-installs following alignment procedures, all for about $250 USD. Although I changed my gimbal two years ago it appears the seal leaked, compromising the bearing, so we're changing the seal and bearing again but he's only charging for the parts since he has it apart anyway. But I always slip him a few extra bucks in situations like this anyway because I do value his time and experience.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)