Top mounted extended swim platfrom.

Boat: 1992 rinker 235 fiesta vee
Looking to extend the swim platfrom.
Id like to make it extend 18 to 24 inches past the current platfrom
Mounting it under the current platfrom will put even an 12 inch platfrom under water when getting on plane.
Mounting flush 18 inches will be close to water when fuel tank/water tank are full plus coolers for weekend aboard
Mounting it to the top of the platform will give me greatest clearance to water, i can temporarily mount wood cut out before final cut but i could do maybe 30 inches without issues.
I am repairing a mower hopper for work an will have a gallon of epoxy resin left over, i have plenty of fiberglass laying around.
Im thinking 1.5 inches thick of cdx plywood would be sufficient for the weight with a few stingers built under to assit with weight distribution. No need for stainless braces only thru bolts on the existing platform
Anyone see any issues with a platform roughly like this one?
Looking to extend the swim platfrom.
Id like to make it extend 18 to 24 inches past the current platfrom
Mounting it under the current platfrom will put even an 12 inch platfrom under water when getting on plane.
Mounting flush 18 inches will be close to water when fuel tank/water tank are full plus coolers for weekend aboard
Mounting it to the top of the platform will give me greatest clearance to water, i can temporarily mount wood cut out before final cut but i could do maybe 30 inches without issues.
I am repairing a mower hopper for work an will have a gallon of epoxy resin left over, i have plenty of fiberglass laying around.
Im thinking 1.5 inches thick of cdx plywood would be sufficient for the weight with a few stingers built under to assit with weight distribution. No need for stainless braces only thru bolts on the existing platform
Anyone see any issues with a platform roughly like this one?

Id like enough room for 2 chairs, a Samuel Adams umbrella and my fishing pole!
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX
Still in the 90s here today, supposed to cool off this weekeend so work will begin in a few weeks. The hundred bucks i blow on fuel each weekend will go to upgrades.
Still looking for that om606 turbo mercedes that's been rear ended for the diesel conversion!
one on each side and one in the middle between the drives