There was a 13 lb. stern anchor in the stern locker on our 330. Is this the correct size? It seems a little over kill to me. What do you guys use for the larger boats?
I have a 3 ft deep scew in anchor to tie my stern off in the sand and I've had wind/wakeboard boat waves yank it out. My boat is only 23 ft long and i have a bimini instead of an enclosure. Id say you can never have over kill unless its because of a lack of storage space or inability to physical pull it up. Whatever anchor a manufacturer recommends, go up one size! Whatever chain they recommend go longer and larger if capable. Same same with length of anchor rode(rope for you power boaters😜) A dragging anchor at the every least is an inconvenience, at its worst a collision.
Agree with dream, can’t be too big and that size is fine, when the wind shifts to the rear you don’t want it to pull out forcing you to re set and or break up your raft
This summer I upgraded our stern anchor to a 13lb folding grapnel anchor made by Extreme Max. All over Ebay. About 6ft of chain rode & 50ft of proper anchor line. Holds perfectly - every time, 32 ft boat 9'8" beam.
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
About 6ft of chain rode & 50ft of proper anchor line.
Holds perfectly - every time, 32 ft boat 9'8" beam.