Electrical Gremlins
All last year, and this year, I have had issues with my voltage gauge. I don't know really where to start with what I see with it. I guess I'll start with what I see when I get to the boat.
After any amount of time away from the boat, it's always on shore power, and the batteries are always charging. The starting battery is new this year, house battery 2 or 3 years old.
I'll run the blower for 5 minutes before starting the boat, while it is on shore power. Disconnect shore, turn all the breakers off etc, then start the boat.
Right after starting the boat, the voltage gauge will normally show between 10 and 11. If I turn the blower off, it may show a little higher. I'll head out, and while running about 1600-1800 rpms, the gauge may jump up to between 11 and 12 with blower on, right about 12 with it off.
When I am at plane speed, between 3500-4000 rpms, blower off, gauge will show between 12-13, but will randomly drop down to 10, and wildly fluctuate between 10 and almost 13.
I suspect a loose ground or connection somewhere, but I am stumped. I haven't checked the voltage output from the alternator, but before I start disconnecting and pulling wires and testing things, I wanted to reach out the the best group of boaters around.
Any and all suggestions welcome! Thanks!
PC BYC, Holland, MI
On my boat, the heavy gauge orange wire is the output from the alternator. In your case, you may have either a charging relay or an isolator added, in which case the orange wire could have been replaced.
2019 MTX20 Extreme