Froze engine

Hey guys, how can you tell if you one of engines might have froze. I went by the boat 1 engine started good and idled good the other smoked did not idle good and did not sound good when I gave it gas. And smelled really strongly of gas while it was running . I have 2 bilge heaters but i dont know. What you guys think?
cruising on 6. tw0s
I'll wager you need to investigate your exhaust manifolds and risers. It maybe time. And, if youre running a vortec and of the variety the bolts go perpendicular (not at angle) through the intake manifold to the heads, you could have ruptured the gasket there. Warping there is fairly common. IF that is what it is, dont bother with machining flat or new intake manifold... Just go with remflex gaskets there. You'll see why when you see them. They're worth their weight in gold when you have an issue like this.
Also could be leaky or sticky needles in the carb
Also could be too much fuel pressure pushing fuel through carb, as the diaphragm hardens on mechanical fuel pumps the psi increases, past about 5 to 6 psi it over powers the float/needles.
When installing my new fuel pump and rebuilt carb i went as far as installing in an inline adjustable regulator with gauge sitting on top of the water pump housing lift hook for easy view, inspection and adjustment if necessary.
If flooding symptoms are: restarts are a pain, smells of gas. You may be able to remove the spark arresror and see fuel dripping into carb after its run and cut off for a moment. Don't try running or starting without spark arresror on if its flooding, a back fire can and will ignite. If not fixed properly/soon can lead to cylinder wash and engine damage. Fuel left in the cylinders will work it was past the rings and settle in the crankcase leaving you with an over filled level dip stick that is also flammable. If run over fillled it can cause too much crank case pressure and blow out seals. If no damage has occurred you've just given your engine a good flusing and no harm done. Helps clean any gunk out of her. An over filled crank case will bellow whiteish/bluish smoke and not black. I have some color blind issues many other male genders share so it just looks white to me. I have no idea where people see blue in oil smoke.