Capral 6HP Outboard

aero3113aero3113 Member Posts: 9,097 ✭✭✭✭✭
So, I was looking around eBay yesterday and came across this outboard (wasn’t looking for one). Saw the price (LoL) and looked into it some more. Supposedly it’s a Yamaha knockoff. I don’t know what’s up with the price but went ahead and tried to order it. Earlier in the day it wasn’t allowing me to buy, there was a message that popped up. I tried later in the day and it took my “buy it now”. Then last night when I was eating dinner, I received a shipped notification and that it should be arriving March 4th. If I actually receive an outboard motor for $24.79 and free shipping, I will be pleasantly surprised!! 😂
2008 330EC


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