Diesels will be dead

At least in anything over 79 feet. Don't know why only larger vessels. Maybe the displacement or horsepower of the engines, or the bunker oil they might burn.
May not apply to anyone on here anyway....
May not apply to anyone on here anyway....
"Knot Quite Shore" - 2000 FV270 (Sold)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
It's a bit on the melodramatic side. Kill all large motoryacht building? Kill this class of motoryachts for the foreseeable future? Ain't gonna happen. The rich will just buy 150-footers instead of 110-footers.
But it will definitely affect Handy. He'll have to build a bigger dock at his luxury mansion in FL.
Sorry to hear, even if you know something like that is coming it's a sad day.
Why are they picking on a small number of boat's when there are, 8 million diesel car's and suv's, and 15.5 million semi trucks? Yes global warming is here, yes we pollute.
But a few yacht"s come on man. Here is the real story. Rant not over.
Look carfully at who's making or has made large donations to the research facility you're getting your info from. This isnt a new problem. The carbon emissions in diesels have been highly debated with very conflicting info.
Sadly today the general population takes whatever they hear on tv or see on Facebook as fact. Don't let twitter or Instagram do your thinking for you.
When lobbyist win, the 98% lose.
PC BYC, Holland, MI
A more efficient diesel, that can run on renewable fuels such as b100 bio diesel or even 100% waste veggie oil if you'd like, puts out more particulates but they are heavier and settle to the ground quickly. Bio based diesels do put out more particulates than regular petrol based diesel but is much lower an many other emissions category.
Volvo Penta Diesels Re-Engineered:
Next-Generation D4 & D6 Marine
Propulsion Systems
When it comes to marine diesel engines, no company on the planet works harder to provide the solutions needed by recreational boat owners than Volvo Penta does. And, that is precisely the reason that its diesels are used in so many applications in the boats that we test. A good example of the company’s dedication to boaters is Volvo Penta’s introduction last year of its re-engineered D4 and D6 diesel engines. We’re told that they took Volvo 300,000 engineering hours and 40,000 hours of testing to accomplish. By all accounts, the new engines are a vast improvement over the ones they replaced, and that is why BoatTEST is making this special report on the engines. Let’s look at the enhancements and see what they mean to boaters.
The current echo/shindaiwa cut off saw was in real time in the field product testing for 10 years before a dealer got one to sell.
It would be nice to be kept in the loop.