Awlgrip on blue 342

Well i got tired of wet sanding and buffing so 3 years ago i tried CostaCoat (similar to Poli Shine) after 3 summers it started to look almost as bad as the tired/clouded blue gel itself. So i decided i am going to try and roll/tip Awlprip.
The boat is kept in a steel building with no heat so i built a "booth" i can heat. I also added two 16" x 16" filtered vents to deal with both the kerosene heat fumes and paint fumes. Below are the steps i have already done and will update as i make progress.
Stripped Costa Coat with industrial floor wax remover
Sanded with 180 grit per Awlgrips directions
Wiped down hull sides with Awlprep
Primed with 2 coats of Awlgrip 545 reduced with cold weather accelerator
Sanded primer with 320 grit per instruction
Next up is to apply another coat of primer as i sanded through in a few spots.
I plan on waiting to the weather gets a little warmer to attempt the Flag Blue topcoat.
I will update with pictures when i get a little further along.
The boat is kept in a steel building with no heat so i built a "booth" i can heat. I also added two 16" x 16" filtered vents to deal with both the kerosene heat fumes and paint fumes. Below are the steps i have already done and will update as i make progress.
Stripped Costa Coat with industrial floor wax remover
Sanded with 180 grit per Awlgrips directions
Wiped down hull sides with Awlprep
Primed with 2 coats of Awlgrip 545 reduced with cold weather accelerator
Sanded primer with 320 grit per instruction
Next up is to apply another coat of primer as i sanded through in a few spots.
I plan on waiting to the weather gets a little warmer to attempt the Flag Blue topcoat.
I will update with pictures when i get a little further along.
Its not perfect but i am not a professional painter so i didn't expect it to be. My biggest issue was with sags, not runs but sags in the paint. Also the fact that you can not "work" on the paint is not ideal. You get what you get, no wet sanding, no buffing, it is what it is. This is the part that is the most challenging.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Rinker over time gets the notorious deep chalky look. I was informed by a really good gel coat specialist that Rinker is a great hull and finish to a fault. They put such a thick coat of gelcoat that it gets chalky deep down over time especially when sunbaked. Any brand of boat with dark gelcoat has a great chance of getting the chalky look.
That's why the more expensive boat brands go with high quality painting process
Go Steelers!!!
Now if only this Pittsburgh weather would cooperate....
Go Steelers!!!
rm, that is one great looking paint job!
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express