Need Your Opinion

Seems like I opened my mouth I need everyones opinion on this. I posted on FB a comment about the half time show of the Super Bowl. The comment was this: "Great half time show is you speak Spanish". OMG you would have thought I committed murder. Bottom line, I was told I am racist. Here are my thought on this. #1 Almost the whole show was in Spanish. 2) I thought the show was inappropriate. 3) IMO it was an observation and not a racial remark. 4) Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Opinion's please............
2002 342 Fiesta Vee PC Point Of Pines YC Revere MA.
2) Aside from the dancing, the show's most prominent visual feature was gratuitous crotch shots of female singers and dancers, which I thought was inappropriate.
3) Personally, although I like a lot of different styles of music, that's not one of the styles I like. And I don't really like to watch dancing, so I didn't like the show.
But face it Raybo, we are just getting old!
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
So if all you said was you didn't like it, seems fair to me. If you said it was "bad" you might be earning some of the flack.
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX
Definitely people being too sensitive. Tell them to get stuffed.
They are being racist for calling you racist.
But I have to say, my wife enjoyed the half time show and she is not Spanish, so your hypothesis is incorrect. Hahaha!
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"
The show I don't think it broadcasts as a "family show". Your not going to see kid show type stuff at half time. Have we all forgotten the Janet Jackson debacle? And, while the half time show was a bit salacious, I don't think it was really geared towards men per sey- most men are at the snacks and the keg or the bar at half time. The girls are watching the halftime Markb mentions and as far as the comment about you would only enjoy it if you spoke Spanish, while I would not call it racist but see why some would not think it appropriate. Kind of like what mainly comes out of Trump's mouth eh Handy? At the end of the day, it is a country of free speech but we also have to be prepared to hear the "free speech" to comments we make without being to sensitive about it also.
If you knew what your kids were looking at on the internet, you would have a heart attack. If you think your monitoring their phones and computers, your only kidding yourself...
Dropped the Mike and out
Ray you told us a few months ago that we could tell someone to F-off
your turn. tell them Ray
The shakura/j.lo show was 100% better on mute. Just not my style music. Id have rather seen fortunate youth, tool, black keys or r.h.c.p. again.
I don't know if you're white or not but white people with opinions are racist these days.
There is a loop hole, if you have like 2.3% or more native American in your DNA you can identify as native American, then you're immune to being racist.
3) I’d take that over rap anyday. But not a favorite of the varied music I like.
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
Is Canadian a race because i wouldn't want my kid dating a Canadian 😝
and that is what it boil down to- a group of progressive socialists using platform owned by the elite, and along with other elites (such as main stream media and their 6 major owners industry wide) are trying to tell folks what is the 'new' right and the 'new' wrong, regardless of how acceptable their positions are to the true mainstream. there are a lot of sheeple who readily gobble down their manipulations as they are rewarded with monikers such as 'enlightened' and 'intelligent', when, it more often defies not only logic but good sense every time. ... all the while the puppeteers are elites- who attempt to identify as 'normal, everyday American's and down with the elite!!!"... it's comical, if you can look apart from their actual discredit and damage to our decent society.
i speak not precisely of the circumstances @raybo3 talks, but in a more general sense concerning that party...
some passage in a fictional book i read as a kid taken completely out of context of that book is one of the more profound things i've ever read, and along with some of granddaddy's words have shaped what i am and what i would feel successful if my children adopted:
the book: "no law written by man which contradicts the laws of nature will stand the test of time". Boom.. fight it all you will, but nature and naturally developed laws will 'trump' all in the end.
granddaddy: "boy, if it takes more than a breath to explain something in essence, you can bet there is a fair amount of BS present".
also granddaddy, and one of my favorites: "Boy, if someone is trying to get an emotional reaction from you, you're being manipulated". and that one is on constant display with the continuous barrage of "but for the children!!!" as an example, or 'you racist!!!' as another.
also granddaddy, demonstrating his sage "boy- P---Y is like a snow storm, as you really know not how much you're going to get, or how long it's gonna hang around, so never turn it down and enjoy every second". .....
sorry, but granddaddy had his s--t together. if he were here right now he'd look at the GOP and say "you know, i recognize those democrats but who are those other fools?"
Same problems here in the UK. If someone can twist the words of a person they perceive as better than them for politically correct point-scoring, they will. I am convinced that it is constant daily nonsense like this that actually pushes people toward the right wing.
On a lighter note, if it was possible to be racist toward diesels, I would class you as a Neo-Nazi.
And on that, I'll bow out of this thread before Di-ck from the Internet gets here!