There is one in the fuel module and one on the fuel rail. When bought my 342 the one in the fuel module had the vacuum line for the impeller housing hooked to it.
if its the one on the coolfuel gen 2 with dual pumps i do believe its the same as an audi fuel pressure regulator actually there arent that many regulators and merc uses off the shelfparts same as iac valve on mpi is actually a ford windstar 2001 iac
So, if you were having possibly fuel related issues and you check your fuel rail pressure, you might think one of the two(?) Fuel pumps are bad but it could be one of the two fuel pressure regulators? Man! What prompted you to change yours aero?
Does anyone know if you can cross reference these numbers on the regulator to a part number? I’m not 100% sure but I think the wrong regulator was installed on my port side module. The second pic is the new regulator that I believe is correct. The part number for the new regulator is 892681.
@Alswagg , do you happen to know if Mercruiser changed the part number on the cool fuel regulator? Why would the new part number be almost a 2 psi (1.74 psi) difference?
New regulator is in on port side. It was tough to get in, I had to use the bolts to draw it in even with lube on the o-rings. I should have the new starboard regulator sometime next week. The vacuum tube pulled right out on the old regulator, definitely would’ve caused some issues.
What were your symptoms for needing to change the regulator? My engine doesn't like to start when it's warm, needs throttle to start if engine temp is warm/ hot. I changed the temp sensor and no change. Hunting for cure here. Thanks!
892681 is the one on the module
Bet the other one is the 300kPa
PC BYC, Holland, MI