Boat bumpers

I don't see a lot of cruisers on the water around me but on you tube, I see a lot of them with the bumpers deployed all the time- which sounds like a good idea as i only have real storage for two. If they are hitting the water I'd think that a problem- so what do you all do? My typical boating day is a lot of docking and I only have two and seldom know which side I need them on until it's to late- resulting in some scratching.
Ive forgotten to pull them back in many many times.
Ive towed the boat home, 65 mph for almost an hour and realize i forgot to stow them.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
I also have adjustable quick release fender line holder but i never use them.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
We have 3 fenders on each side out all the time, 3 at dock height starboard and 3 port just above dock height for neighbor protection; none touch the water. The forward and mid hang from rails by those grey blocks - the line runs through, up and over and back through and locks - and easy to adjust as needed for port docking, locking or rafting, rear are on flat Velcro strap on rear cleat so dock line is accommodated well also. If we are going to open her up I flip over the rear into the cockpit and pull up the forward and mid and stick between rail and hull above gunwale. A spare sits in the storage well above swim deck, used mainly when locking to hang from rearmost cleat at the corner near swim platform for that initial surging that moves us around when locking up to protect that corner if she sways out a little more than I planned.
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
good neighbor status...thanks for the input and will take it in...
On plane I don't leave mine out. Just beats up the boat.
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX
2002 FV 342 on Lake St. Clair - Past Commodore SHC - Vessel Examiner USCGAUX
Does one of those pictures bring back memories Mike ?
She is still on the Market
P.S. as you can see from @bry1429 screenshot of the Fendergrip you can press the black "button" to release or reel-in the fender lines. The Admiral could alter the length of five fenders in minutes while approaching a dock or while in a lock......and alter them from being in the lock while it was filling-up to when we reached to top and needed protection (which varied from lock to lock) from the lock walls - usually stone and not gel coat friendly!
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Might be nice to have a couple flat fenders like this tho...
Phender Pro - fender cleats. Frees up the factory tie off cleats.
They use these on a lot of the wakeboard boats, Nautiques etc.