Wondering if it can be cleaned up without ruining it.. have read that magic sponge's can be used, but also heard that it will then fall apart.. my whole rear seat looks like this..
Any bleach-based product IMO will make the problem worse with soft surfaces in the long term. Here is a thread from last year about potential solutions...
Go to Walmart and get the star brite mold and mildew remover for boats. It’s $10 here for a bottle. It’s not bleach based, probably chlorine, but will not harm the vinyl and will take care of mildew on seats
Spray nine and boat erasers, they’re like magic erasers but a little bigger and don’t fall apart as easy. I barely had to use any pressure.Worked great to clean my cushions. I tried a towel and spray nine and for some reason it barely cleaned it.
The stitching still looks decent. be careful with any chlorine based product as that will rot seams (almost instantly) if too strong a concentration and if not washed off thoroughly. Also "magic eraser" used to contain formaldehyde (I think it still does) as an active ingredient which can cause whites to yellow. So in moderation and wash thoroughly after application.
Try a degreaser and a soft brush. Like purple power not much elbow power. Magic eraser will score surface make sure it wet and go easy. Others have had good luck with mold stuff from home cheapo.
Jeff I bought a 96 sea doo jet boat 3 years ago and the white vinyl seats and backs had a bunch of mildew like yours. Sprayed with star brite and let it sit a few minutes, wiped down with magic eraser, did that a few times and then cleaned with soap and water. Look awesome and are lasting just gloriously. I used the hose to clean with soap so I really made sure to get the chemical out. Took a couple days to dry out in the garage.
Not bad for 15 bucks and maybe 10 mins of work with a soft brush. Can't wait to do this to the rest of the seats tomorrow.. made sure to thoroughly rinse with water to get it off, could smell the bleach in it.
I have used that...bit the star bright stuff at Wally world for 7 bucks seemed to work better...they used to stock it but I think you have to order on line now...
I think this is what I used and was surprised to smell bleach when I sprayed it. Either way I don't think it is typical laundry bleach so don't go mixing water and bleach and think it's the same. I can't find the type of bleach these contain but it said something other than just bleach.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Premium Boat Scuff Erasers | Magic Boating Accessories for Cleaning Black Streak Deck Marks and More https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MMWMFDV/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_0oTuEbXST9VG8
I've had good luck with Starbrite Marine mold & mildew remover as well.
Avoid the Magic Erasers - they are just fine abrasives. No chemicals. Like super fine sandpaper. Works great if you're not keeping the boat.