Mid bilge stringer issue

Pat310Pat310 Member Posts: 574 ✭✭✭
during the survey of my 2003 FV 310 last summer, there was some exposed wood in the mid bilge and about an inch of water. 
The fiberglass is missing from the inside of the half round hole exposing the wood to the water


  • Pat310Pat310 Member Posts: 574 ✭✭✭
    The wood seems sturdy and stable but discovered the holes from the original pump switch were not filled and water was squeezing out from them
    So I cut away some of the fiberglass to find wet wood and a whole bunch of stinky water 
  • Pat310Pat310 Member Posts: 574 ✭✭✭
    Going to remove wood and reglass then work on finding mid bilge leak. My question is marine plywood or king starboard ?
  • PickleRickPickleRick Member Posts: 4,071 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2020
    Go to your local lumber yard, get a 24 dollar piece of 3/4 cdx.  

    It uses waterproof outdoor grade glue.  It has more voids than your marine ply at 20% of the cost.  Epoxy bonds a good 30 to 40% better  mechanically and chemically than the vinylester resin used in the original construction.

    Thus it will never rot again in your life time so long as you properly seal any scew holes.  

    Drill all planned scew holes out to about 3/8, fill with thickened epoxy resin.

    Once cured drill your pilot hole for mounting scew.  Install with 4200 or life calk.  


  • Liberty44140Liberty44140 Member Posts: 4,396 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Make sure that whatever you do is well documented, solves and removes the water, and won’t give you headaches when you go to sell 
    07' Cruisers 390 (Previous Rinker's: 06' 342EC & 01' 310FV)

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