Any mechanics here explain how the fuel cool system works on this model?  You have a manual fuel pump along with this fuel cool module? A new one of these modules is over 1200 hundred dollars. This is 97 5.7 Alpha One gen 2 Merc.  Is there a filter on this system?


  • PickleRickPickleRick Member Posts: 4,068 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2020
    Unless you are racing the boat or using in extreme conditions i consider a fuel cooler a waste of money.  Sure cooler gasoline is denser and allows for more hp and fuel efficiency but so does a good tune up and properly set carb.  

    If it were me I'd delete it.  There are some cases in an efi system where the fuel doesn't return to the tank but in a carbureted engine i see zero use for it.  Even if i did have an efi system id put a fuel line return back to the tank before id put 1200 in a fuel cooler.  

    I boat in South Carolina.  We've had 90 degree water for weeks, day time temps in the upper 90s for up to two weeks, lows over night in the 80s during that stretch.  I never once had an issue with the carb.  I ran the near identical carb as my rinker(auto version)  in my old land cruiser with a 305 for about 3 years.  Again, no return and no fuel cooler.  She was properly tuned and timed, that carb didn't care if it was 9 degrees or 99 degrees.  Still got better mpgs than the original Toyota F series inline 6 that came in her...didnt get near as good of fuel mileage as a diesel but that's another argument all together.  

    Im running a Charles bridges built holly marine 4bbl and new carter mechanical marine fuel pump on my 5.7 mercrusier.  

    The fuel coolers i see take in lake water, around here the lake water is 80 plus degrees from June til October.  Colder up to joccassee but i don't swim or boat in cold water.  Many times i go to the keys and the water in June is colder than the lake temps when i get back home.  

    Yes you have a fuel filter.  Mine is starboard side, looks like an oil filter.  Sits at the front of the engine opposite the alternator.

  • Stever00Stever00 Member Posts: 145
    I'm not sure what this is. On right front side of engine there is a plastic cover that Cool . Also says do not step. Last Merc I had didnt have anything like this. 
  • aero3113aero3113 Member Posts: 9,097 ✭✭✭✭✭
    @Stever00 can you take a picture of it and post?
    2008 330EC
  • Stever00Stever00 Member Posts: 145
    Ok, I took off the plastic cover today. It has a 35-807172  OuickSilver Fuel filter-water separator.  I tried finding one of those filters. and all that comes up is 35-802893Q01. Walmart had one for $7.94. When I seen Fuel Cool I thought this boat might have one of the module type things with the canister type fuel filter. Not sure what Fuel Cool on the cover means
    I wonder when they changed number on those filters? Strange that on bottom of old filter it has the number A031197  WI. I hope that don't mean 11/97. That's the year the boat was made. Don't know much about the maintenance history. Guy who bought it new died and guy I bought it from only had it a year and he didn't know much about history.  The old filter looked good when I took it off. The new filter looks like it will work.
  • Stever00Stever00 Member Posts: 145
    This filter 35-802893Q01  fit fine in place of old number.
  • reneechris14reneechris14 Member Posts: 3,134 ✭✭✭✭✭
    that is a standard fuel/water separator. This one is for my Generator.
    2005 Rinker FV342  Pawcatuck river,Ct
  • Liberty44140Liberty44140 Member Posts: 4,396 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The generator on my 342 had the same filter set up and filter as Reneechris 
    07' Cruisers 390 (Previous Rinker's: 06' 342EC & 01' 310FV)

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