Increase in Cruiser Insurance

Received my renewal this morning and a follow up call with my broker. Was not pleased to see about a 15% increase after a few years of relative stability. Broker's explanation was that insurer's are reporting increased claims in the cruiser class.
I have an "agreed value" payout in my policy that is likely a little high for the current value of the boat but even if I reduce it it won't save much. I could also increase my deductibles, but not sure on that either. Will give it some more thought.
What is anyone else seeing? Unexpected increase?
I have an "agreed value" payout in my policy that is likely a little high for the current value of the boat but even if I reduce it it won't save much. I could also increase my deductibles, but not sure on that either. Will give it some more thought.
What is anyone else seeing? Unexpected increase?
"Knot Quite Shore" - 2000 FV270 (Sold)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Canadian $$$
All Risk (Agreed Value $85,000) with $2 Million Liability / $5,000 Personal Effects
Annual Premium: $743 plus tax (Total $802.44)
Deductible: $800
$1300 a year through boatUS
I'm getting soaked
So, I've checked with Geico (now who BUS goes thru). Looks like I may now be paying $1400/yr. Sure is a large climb!
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
All figures in CDN, so about 30% less for USD. 2000 FV270. I was $502 all in last year and jumped to $585 this year. Agreed value (from survey when I purchased 3 years ago) of $34,000 with deductible of $450. $2 Mill liability. $5000 contents/electronics. $5000 towing/emergency repairs. Portable equipment (whatever that is) included in total loss with $250 deductible.
So my broker's suggestions are to either drop my agreed value which may be reasonable since I know I'd take a little less if I ever sold, but on the other hand I've put about $5000 in upgrades into it since I bought it. (custom swim platform, stereo and LED speakers, TV/DVD, new VHF/batteries/drive re-seal, bellows, cables etc)
Or my other option is to raise my deductibles but when I look at them, I don't know if that makes any sense for instance for "propulsion components", i.e. drive unit the deductible is already $450.
On the other hand, in USD my premium this year will be $ maybe just shut up and pay it??
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
I had virtually identical coverage on my 2000 Four Winns 268 Vista and paid about $550 last year.
I reduced the agreed upon value on our 2008 Rinker a few years ago. Didn't save that much in premium. Also, in order to increase agreed value again with upgrades, etc, they needed a marine survey. Also they need marine surveys for boats near the 10 yr old mark.
So - I'd leave it alone.
Hey, we went from our 2008 with an orig $80K agreed (subsequently reduced to $50K) - then traded that boat for a 2014 with $115K agreed & my premium only went up $200.00
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
I just submitted a RFQ to Global Marine so I'll see what they say.
There is better deals and I'm certainly not looking to reduce coverage but just want to check.
Sidenote my main home insurance is the same price with Progressive or Safeco however my second home drops $500 annually with Safeco for the same coverage. Thought that was interesting.
I did just remember that we got a refund on our premium of $332 down from the $1172 so that is really good. I think it's when they were reducing insurance since everyone was in lockdown.