Filler cushions for 270fv

Have filler cushions for 2003 FV 270 Good shape.Located Copiague LI NY


  • jrweaver2000jrweaver2000 Member Posts: 8
    I need v-berth cushions for 2000. Would these work? Please send info to thanks!
  • WillhoundWillhound Member Posts: 4,215 ✭✭✭✭✭
    @jrweaver2000 welcome to the forum! I believe the filler cushions he was referring to are the rear filler cushions that turn the rear cockpit seat into a sun pad.
    You don't mention which model 2000 you have? 270? 260? It will make a difference. I see from your other posts that you are seeking v-berth cushions. Others have made some good suggestions but finding original equipment cushions will be difficult unless you can find a scrapped boat someplace. Best of luck!
    "Knot Quite Shore" - 2000 FV270 (Sold)
    2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
  • jrweaver2000jrweaver2000 Member Posts: 8
    Thank you so much! We have 270. I am new and learning the language! Yes, I need the front inside v-berth cushions, not vinyl. The cushions that cover the table in the cabin. I hope that helps and I am not having ANY luck! Thanks again! 
  • meninarinmeninarin Member Posts: 2
    Hi - New to forum - I almost tossed my Vberth cushions until I looked up how to clean them in a baby pool with vinegar and borax to stop the mold.  I soaked them- stomped them like grapes in a barrel and dried them in the sun for 2 days.  They look and smell like brand new cushions.  I recommend that over paying for new ones, although it was a bit of work.  Happy boating.
  • CounselorphilCounselorphil Member Posts: 73
    Any pics of these cushions you want to sell?
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