Manifold replacement the easy way.

Step one: remove hoses
Step two: remove risers
Step three: remove manifolds
Step four: clean all mating surfaces, check with straight edge
Step five: cut all thread longer than manifold bolts. Use outsider bolt holes to hold gasket in place and slide on manifold

Step two: remove risers
Step three: remove manifolds
Step four: clean all mating surfaces, check with straight edge
Step five: cut all thread longer than manifold bolts. Use outsider bolt holes to hold gasket in place and slide on manifold

Step seven: snug them to the head
Step eight: you should be able to turn the all thread out with your fingers. If not snug 2 nuts together and remove with socket
If any forum members need the already cut all thread pm me for paypal, you pay me flat rate usps shipping ill drop it at the post office for you. Ill lose these before i use them again and i have 5 more ft of all thread stock left
I use right stuff on gaskets, some dont or use mercury bond.
I only use the studs because i cant keep the gasket lined up without them.
If you cant easily hold up 40 lbs with one hand, yes install all threads first.
You guys with twin engines are s.o.l. on inside manifolds!
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Go Steelers!!!