String of bad luck.

So last month I had a case of vertigo at work and was taken to hospital by ambulance. While there they did a CT scan and then a couple hours later they did another and found two aneurysms high in brain above and behind each eye. I was told at hospital they were small and was released next day with many doctor appointments to schedule. So after seeing neurosurgeon and vascular surgeon I was told that aneurysms 10mm or bigger are considered large and need to be corrected. One of mine is 12 mm and the other is 9 mm. Thursday I'm scheduled for an cerebral angiogram to see if they can fix via artery or skull. So that sucks. Then yesterday I get a call that my boat is in water and ready to move to my marina. Me and my buddy get to boat start starboard engine and it starts right up start port and it also starts up but starboard stalls. My boat has inboards and I was checking for water flow from exhaust when I see that I have no oil pressure on port engine. I shut everything down and check oil and I notice oil all over around oil filter but filter seems tight same thing on starboard engine. The marina that puts the boat in also winterizes, changed oil, and stores my boat. I could not stick around due to a video Dr. appointment. The service manager and owner assured me they would take care of it. I haven't heard anything from them today and quite honestly with everything gong on it's not a high priority at the moment. On the bright side, I was able to get new windlass installed last week while still being a little wobbly from the vertigo( Thanks Black_Diamond) and new battery charger.
The one good thing from all this is that if I had never gotten the vertigo they never would have found the aneurysms.
Sorry for the long winded sob story just needed to vent.
The one good thing from all this is that if I had never gotten the vertigo they never would have found the aneurysms.
Sorry for the long winded sob story just needed to vent.
PC BYC, Holland, MI
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"
As far as boat goes, my buddy stopped at the marina today and they say they fixed leak on port engine. He asked about starboard and they thought it was only port even though there is oil all over each motor. Hopefully they will address it tomorrow. As some of you have said boat isn't high priority right now and I agree. It will all work itself out.
Again, Thank you.
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
They did find 3 other aneurysms but they are small and don't need to be fixed. Next Thursday I'm going in to fix the biggest of the two and then 1-3 months later they will fix the other one.
Also my boat is all set. My buddy went down today checked oil levels, started both engines and said everything looked good. Hopefully I'll get down there in a day or two and move it over to my marina. So that's one less thing to worry about.
Can't thank you all enough for the encouraging words. I'm really happy how things are working out.
When the old Rinker forum folded it was a very sad day and I thought we would never have something that good again. Well this version has surpassed the old. The amount of information here is immense and invaluable but more importantly the people are fantastic. I'm a member of a few other forums and visit several others and nothing comes close to this one.
You're all GOOD people.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express