Need Help With Vacu-Flush System

wm61356wm61356 Member Posts: 201 ✭✭✭

The vacuflush system on my 2009 320 EC suddenly stopped building vacuum and wont empty the head. We never put any solids into it so I assume it is not plugged. I tried a few tentative pushes with a plunger to no avail. My assumption at this point is that the vacuflush pump needs a rebuild, however, the unit is located behind the helm seat forward of the ice maker on my 320. Do any of you know an easy way to access it? The 320 is new to me but it appears that the vacuflush unit isn't accessible. The only way to get to it appears to be to remove the ice maker and even with that out of the way it will be a long reach to get to the pump unit. Are there any 320 owners out there that have serviced this unit? How did you get to it? Any advice you can provide will be very much appreciated. Thank you!


  • frenchshipfrenchship Member Posts: 1,079 ✭✭✭
    Hi, I had a similar problem not long ago with this system. It turn out it was a small blockage, I removed the large pipe in the back and but the garden hose at full,pressure into it with a rag around it and kept it there for a while then the vacuum pump restarted. Does the bowl keeps it water? Does the red light stays on all the time? To get the system out of there you need to pull the ice maker to get to it . It could be the duck beak(valve) Four of them, also there is a vacuum regulator .and the actual pump itself. If you need more Infos let me know. Paul Canada
  • Dream_InnDream_Inn Member, Moderator Posts: 7,683 mod
    I had the same problem earlier this year and it was the duck bill valve that was in the output line from the pump.  (in the hose leading to the waste tank, right at the pump).  There are a total of 4, two are in that line and another 2 inside the pump area.  Your access is thru the ice maker which will need removed.  Fairly simple job actually.

    Dream 'Inn III -- 2008 400 Express

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