Broken steering cable

who has ever pulled one? This will be a first for me...
Was adjusting the trim sender and turned outdrive where I could access the posts, and... snap!!!! There was no binding, no stoppage or difficulty... just SNAP and free wheel...
I'm all but certain it broke in the rack... so, just do it right and buy a rack and cable... I've got to pull the broken one out to see how long I need... I'm guessing 14 to 16' on a 212 Captiva?
It appears straigh forward in task... those are the spooky ones though... is there anything I need to know before diving into this?
As I understand it, the cable is disconnected from the power steering ram at the back of engine.. a line tied to it, and its pulled forward from the helm... reverse for install.. are there cable ties anywhere? Is it strapped to the shifter/throttle cable? Am I going to swear profusely while doing this?
Was adjusting the trim sender and turned outdrive where I could access the posts, and... snap!!!! There was no binding, no stoppage or difficulty... just SNAP and free wheel...
I'm all but certain it broke in the rack... so, just do it right and buy a rack and cable... I've got to pull the broken one out to see how long I need... I'm guessing 14 to 16' on a 212 Captiva?
It appears straigh forward in task... those are the spooky ones though... is there anything I need to know before diving into this?
As I understand it, the cable is disconnected from the power steering ram at the back of engine.. a line tied to it, and its pulled forward from the helm... reverse for install.. are there cable ties anywhere? Is it strapped to the shifter/throttle cable? Am I going to swear profusely while doing this?
i'm sure i'm lucky not to have had this happen, it's a 15 year old boat and a salt water ride.. i KNOW i'm lucky for it to happen on the hard instead of pushing 50mph and turning past a marker with family onboard.
the last week i've done pretty much nothing but work on boats.. mine is as close to perfect as she'll see again, with the exception of adjusting the trim sender and some vent hose from the bilge.... i turned the wheel to expose the trim sender and POP free wheel. DANG IT!!! (i surely didn't say dang.. i certainly said it's cousin and several accentuators to drive my feeling home to anyone present)..
I haven't pulled the old one yet... a tropical storm is moving in as i type.. does anyone know the length needed for a 212 captive of the 2005 vintage?
I've replaced the tiller handle which steers my sailboat. After looking online at prices i used a wheel barrel handle from the hardware store. Put spar varnish on it and so far no one has noticed in 5 plus years of ownership.
Iboats and even the searay forum are a good go to when the answer cannot be found here. I had to go to iboats for shift cable routing.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
the steering assist ram wouldn't budge with the cable disconnected... a no go... I could pull or push on that outdrive all i wanted and it would not budge. so... i ordered a new steering assist actuator. i was certain it was frozen...
shipped from the same place and ordered at the same time, the steering assist actuator won't be here until late next week at the earliest. cable came last night.
I figured I'd go ahead and pull the cable through, and it wasn't that bad. it's fortunate Rinker didn't tie all kinds of stuff to it... and pulling a rope through at the same time i pulled the old cable out made it easier.
having the actuator loose (strange design.... a 1" bolt on top with tab-lock nut, and one on bottom also with lack tab nut... why not all the way through? there is no fluid in that area) made sending the cable through the ram a lot easier- and i did this 'just' to try. the cable broke right where the casing met the rack- and i had since figured it was the power assist actuator being frozen the whole time. well... turns out i was wrong.
new cable in, the steering has never been better....
but here is the 'rest of the story':
everywhere i read about this talked about "flats up" upon reinstall... i had no clue what they were talking about... well, when the cable goes in and you're tightening the big hex to the housing, the housing likes to spin in place... I gripped it with vice grips to keep that from happening... i didn't like doing this. once when it spun when the grips lost grip, low and behold- flats... on the housing... near where the colter pin goes through the steering cables eye..... well, that made it easier to hold... it is a 3/4" wrench...
and now i know what 'they' are talking about when they say 'flats'.
and... to my knowledge, it was NEVER 'up'.... i have pictures i took a long time ago when trying to point out where the grease zerk for the gimbal is- and i looked... guess what? flats were not up....
so what is the big deal?
without those flats perpendicular, the actuator doesn't know which direction you're turning... the flats trip a valve as they pass... guess what works now? uh.... power steering. for the first time ever on this boat.