Want to understand the risks of using a portable generator on your boat?

The author is someone I've come to greatly respect - for both knowledge and ability to share it. Once you read this article, I doubt you'll use a portable genny on your boat.
Post edited by LaRea on
I for one will be using mine all summer strapped on the platfrom, on the hook, in an open cove with my cabin c02 detectors.
Ive discussed in detail how not to store these things and how not to operate them in the generator threads. Ive discussed the vent and carb issues as well as potential spill issues.
running generator while anchoring up( why would you do that??)
Or running an extension cord from genset to shore or dingy and potentially dipping into the water(again why????)
Or touching the metal case while operating(most of us would run non conductive plastic case inverter generators)
Extra precaution should be taken when running any potential fire, co2, fuel spill or electric shock source on a boat. From a grill to a radio to generator to the propane tank lights we used to fish with as a kid.
When do you use yours?
That being said if i did anchor up running a genest on my bow (stupid) or running one on my swim platfrom(only place i run it) would not be an option. i only have a stock small fv235 platfrom. The ladder cannot be accessed when my genset is in running position. I also dont allow the family to swim while the generator is running in case of fault. When multiple boats anchor up you are not always pointing into the wind, Co2 can be just as deadly in the co(k pit as it can be the cabin.
Secondly, when kids and even adults(some possibly drinking) are crossing boat to boat there would be potential for someone getting caught in the cord or falling over it. Some how knocking it loose and into the water could be deadly.
My genset is only run at night to run the AC or while we are cooking. Never while swimmers are in the water or near by.
We prefer solitude over social gathering so bow rails touching is not an issue for us. We sleep on the hook. We have no marina, no slip. We launch and come back when the weekend is over. Our lake trips are an escape into nature and away from civilization.
If i was approached by the dnr at night id shut the genset off before allowing them to tie up or potentially board. Not just because of shock risk but so conversation can be done easily. A quiet generator isnt quiet when the AC has it loaded.
I doubt they would side board my boat anyway, id need to greet them at the platfrom, side boarding on many of our boats is difficult due to the freeboard.
Due the the close proximity of boats anchored up i wouldnt suggest running an engine or marine genset while anchore up. Again, the co2 factor with so many boats any wind change could fill multiple boats to dangerous levels.
After a couple died on our lake due to co2 poisoning it makes you think twice.
More people are probably shocked each year due to faulty wiring using shore power at the marina than on a portable generator. Even if you have uscg approved genset/wiring it's still not wise to assume you're free of all danger.
I did experience one scare- had the camper pack. up going down the river...very back portion down...that co2 was somehow being drawn into the cabin or the wind was blowing from the stern faster than I was going and the sensors were going off...scary stuff.
Recalled EB2200i portable generator
The portable generator’s inverter assembly can short circuit with the presence of salt water. This causes the unit to smoke or catch fire ...
Won't stop me from using mine for the odd time we do. Always by ourselves and for a half hour in the morning to make coffee and charge batteries. Stays on the swim platform. Ours does have the bonded ground I beleive but I'm going to check.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
PC BYC, Holland, MI
Or running the boat (especially hard top or half enclosure) with the cabin door open.
All boats propelled or powered by or power produced by any internal combustion engine or flame should have multiple c02 sensors. I have 2 in each cabin. One is a dual smoke and co2 the other is co2 only. One takes batteries the other 12v system.r
I won't run mine with anyone in the water so unless it's a quick microwave deal we don't turn ours on until night. I'm always worried about shocking someoene. If you want a hot pocket for lunch everyone out of the water.
I set mine across the swim ladder so the platform cannot be accessed via the water.
We run ours while we swing on an anchor for 10 to 12 hrs a night. The genset isn't fired up until the family is all on board for the night. The kiddo has taken many a leak off the back platfrom without complaint of being shocked so im guessing i don't have any electrical bleed off but i still won't trust it.
Im up refilling the genset and making my morning brew before the rest of the family wakes up. The new 9000 btu ac sucks about a tank every 5 hrs.