Full FWC 357mag Alpha 1 gen 2

So.. title says it... thats what I have. There is no through hull raw water pickup; just the foot.
My drive is an SEI 116, their version of an alpha 1 gen 2... there is no difference i can identify between it and a merc...
According to the chart I found the gen2 is a low pressure high volume as opposed to a high pressure low volume the gen1 was... its supposed to flow 20gpm at head pressure of 20psi.
I read the full FWC system is too much for the alpha to handle without running hot...
Last night I ran hot... around 175 to 180... i hardly pushed it at all... i came home and dropped the foot and inspected the impeller.... it has very little hours but I just slapped this drive on after its been hanging in the shop for at least three years...
Four of the six vanes are about to fall off... a fifth is torn a 1/4 way through.. the only solid one was deformed near the end... I've no clue how it was pumping anything.
New one on and about to hit water again for another shake down run. I'll see how much new impeller helps (I'm certain it will)... I'm hours away from a WOT run, though, and I won't be doing any extended cruising yet....
My question is.... has anyone ran a full FWC with an alpha and NOT had to punch the hull and run a belt or crank driven sea pump? 20gpm sounds like plenty... is it not?
My drive is an SEI 116, their version of an alpha 1 gen 2... there is no difference i can identify between it and a merc...
According to the chart I found the gen2 is a low pressure high volume as opposed to a high pressure low volume the gen1 was... its supposed to flow 20gpm at head pressure of 20psi.
I read the full FWC system is too much for the alpha to handle without running hot...
Last night I ran hot... around 175 to 180... i hardly pushed it at all... i came home and dropped the foot and inspected the impeller.... it has very little hours but I just slapped this drive on after its been hanging in the shop for at least three years...
Four of the six vanes are about to fall off... a fifth is torn a 1/4 way through.. the only solid one was deformed near the end... I've no clue how it was pumping anything.
New one on and about to hit water again for another shake down run. I'll see how much new impeller helps (I'm certain it will)... I'm hours away from a WOT run, though, and I won't be doing any extended cruising yet....
My question is.... has anyone ran a full FWC with an alpha and NOT had to punch the hull and run a belt or crank driven sea pump? 20gpm sounds like plenty... is it not?
A sbc isnt hot til she gets past 210 220...i personally like 190 200 tops.
I hit the alarm at around 180ish... took longer this time...
I'm not certain the stat is a 160... i just can't recall what it was when it was installed. I know I've got a 160 and it may be good to swap it anyway.
But.... I'll be going through the hull... will likely go with a crank driven pump... now, to figure out where to drill the hole.
Ive only looked into closed loop cooling for a diesel conversion, never for an inboard
After some quick google searching seems 160 is the closed loop cooling thermostat of choice, i use that now and your target operating temp is 170 to 180.
Btw... here is the impeller that came out of the foot:
@PickleRick, good question... here is why: I have 2 160* stats and one 140* stat... i also have several 195* stats from rebuilding a yj 240 not long ago... so... i snatched the 160's and headed to the kitchen........ neither work. One opened but wouldn't close. The other wouldn't open, I thought, and then it did at almost 200*.... i expected it to fail open, but it closed!!! It hit the trash along with the other one... i grabbed the 140 and it starts opening visibly at 142 and full open at 155ish.... closes, and re-opens again at 142.... so... its in the engine... all of them were Sierra brand (except the 195's... i don't know what brand the 195 that was in the FWC kit was, and I can't imagine why it was in that kit... "maybe" I did it, but I don't think I would have... )...
Pulled the thermostat to check to see if it was sticking and found the 160. Put in a 190 and issue went away. Might have been a 195. I didnt keep the v8 long before i dropped in a diesel.
With the sbc i could have baked a ham in the passenger floor board.
the stat neck on that thing has two ports for sensors and a by-pass line... the sender fits just fine... the sensor, not so much... it DID fit with the 195* stat that came with it, but none of the other stats (Sierra) would fit.. the end of the sensor hits the stats spring/barrel.
this disallowed the stat to sit in the machined recess...
so... i relocated, in the end, the sensor... it's a $100 mercruiser part- i wasn't going to damage it unless i was going to get $100 of satisfaction and three days wait by destroying it.. it's with fortune i found a 1/2" MNPT bushing with a 3/8" FNPT passage in it, and i pulled a manifold plug about two inches from the stat neck (in pressurized coolant) and fit it just fine. back. in. business.
the temperature rises (dash gauge) to an estimated 170ish... it sits there butt cold on the water hose and muffs... i idled for half an hour, fast idling to 1200RPM for several minutes, and revved to around 3k for bursts- it stuck right there.
i'll put it in the sound tonight and see what happens. i feel better about it now than i have. during the prolonged idle, the elbows never even got warm- which tells me it is flowing just fine. now if raw water is in the exchange for enough surface and time remains to be answered- i'll find that out soon, but the elbows are a good indicator there is at least enough flow.
All good.. the FWC works on notta but the alpha gen 2 foot pump.