Crowley Marine

Anyone purchase from these guys?
Bought setting on the 8th. Their order status tool says it's still processing for 4 days now. They don't answer their phone. I thought they were reputable.
Bought setting on the 8th. Their order status tool says it's still processing for 4 days now. They don't answer their phone. I thought they were reputable.
2002 - 270FV Mag 350 B3
Also take the "most items ship same day" banner off your site if it's not true.
We've also had the same issues with website's not being updated since most businesses contract this work out, and with so many businesses trying to move to a larger online presence to make up for lack of walk in business it's just impossible for the website designers to keep up.
So, this isn't just an issue with marine suppliers, it's right across the board.
And the future is going to be different too. On the consumer side our analysts are telling us to expect that since people have started doing more on-line and less in store, they will continue that trend after Covid. And on the business side, some businesses are realizing that they can get by with less staff in the retail setting and just refer everyone to the guess what? Less staff in store to help and less human contact to address issues. In future there won't even be a phone number to call, it'll be all online.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Go Steelers!!!
I should add we do roughly 1200 orders per day 85% or so products are in stock and ship same day before 3pm.
Our processes are pretty streamlined so I guess that's the difference.
Anyways I'm not trying to sound like a jerk...just wish communication was better...even if they say it won't ship for a month. At least I could decide to keep it or cancel it.
The other issue I think is that although a lot of online retailers show "In stock", what that really means is that the distributor or wholesaler shows it in stock, it's not actually on a shelf in a retailer location. You buy from them but in reality they just shove the order up the line for fulfilment. There are all kinds of opportunities for orders to get scrambled or delayed.
One final hopeful point is an example of a fairly reputable Canadian online marine supplier I deal with where an order will show "In process" for days, but in reality it's already on the way. Hopefully this is what's happening in your instance and it'll show up soon.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
When email #2 showed up, the cabinets were already sitting in my garage.
I didn't say the process was working ... only that it's modern!
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Anyways they claimed to have converted my order to express shipping and refunded my shipping charges and it might ship this week. Really want it by Friday but doubt that will happen.
It's a good price so I'll ride it out and see what happens.