Norcold Fridge Question

I have a Norcold fridge that is less than two years old. It hasn’t worked at all this year. The fan kicks on but it never gets cold. It has a two year warranty. I took it to the dealer and a day later they stated that it was working perfectly fine on their work bench. It worked on 120v and 12v. I brought it home and tried it at my house and it was working great. I took it to the boat, plugged it in, the fan kicked on and an hour later...same thing! Will not get cold. What am I missing? I tried shutting off the 120v breaker and just had it run on 12v and same thing. If I had any hair, I’d be pulling it out right now!
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
I think the fridge was overheating. I took the fridge out of the cabinet...had to leave the boat for a few hours. When I came back it was working!?! I don’t think there was enough air movement and thus it was overheating. There was a piece of starboard just to the right of the fridge to separate the cockpit sink from the fridge. I took out six screws and removed the board. So far the fridge is working and has been for 4 days. It has been almost 90° here the past few days. I’ll admit it is struggling when it’s that hot, but it is still cold. It gets really cold at night!
But before, it wasn’t doing ANYTHING!
Fingers crossed!!