CAN & US Border - CV19
This is starting to be a real bummer. For us mid-west boaters Jobbie Nooner tomorrow in Lake St Clair. Us canadians can't go obviously with the border shut, even tho it's barely into U.S. waters. I called CBP yesterday to be sure - answer was 'hard no'.
Long story short, a big chunk of area we boat in is off limits. Border currently shut till July 22nd - but grumblings that the border may not even open this year at all. Those spikes in Florida & Texas don't bode well for opening borders. Powers that be are worried about 2nd wave, when we haven't really got thru the 1st wave yet.
Funny, in my area we have a bunch U.S. boaters that keep boats here at our CDN marina. They're buggered, can't cross into Canada & stuck on the hard. Got a CDN buddy of mine with his boat still in winter storage at a marina in Port Huron, Mich.
Strange times.
Personally just venting, 1st world problem I guess. Sled season got shut down for Mar/Apr - that p!$$ed me off, was hoping boating wouldn't be impaired. Not so.
Long story short, a big chunk of area we boat in is off limits. Border currently shut till July 22nd - but grumblings that the border may not even open this year at all. Those spikes in Florida & Texas don't bode well for opening borders. Powers that be are worried about 2nd wave, when we haven't really got thru the 1st wave yet.
Funny, in my area we have a bunch U.S. boaters that keep boats here at our CDN marina. They're buggered, can't cross into Canada & stuck on the hard. Got a CDN buddy of mine with his boat still in winter storage at a marina in Port Huron, Mich.
Strange times.
Personally just venting, 1st world problem I guess. Sled season got shut down for Mar/Apr - that p!$$ed me off, was hoping boating wouldn't be impaired. Not so.
246BR, 276BR, H310BR current
On the other hand, maybe your liver is better off having a season without Jobbie Nooner!
Real good buddy of mine has a $450K cottage in Lapeer, Mi. Hasn't seen it since Feb. His boat dealer has his new pontoon sitting in the showroom since last fall.
No go - for he & his family. They're severely bummed.
Hopefully we can make Raft Off in Lk St Clair on Aug 8th. But, really doubt the border will actually open after July 21st as planned.
Yaa, the loopers will be shut down totally. Trent Severn waterway will miss them.
Old Jobbie pic......
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)
Strange times.
2020 will be #46
I am being sarcastic...but it is wide open...
And been a while since I hung out at the beach...not to many years ago thongs were they walk around the beach towns like that...not near as much fun as ot used to be...
Miami wins the all time worst drivers award. Another observation.
Swim suits leave zero to the imagination. I am not complaining. Dont let the admiral know this was also an observation and my personal opinion.
The only thing I've seen wild here are the drivers and traffic
If the C19 virus had the ability to wish for something, it would wish for Jobbie Nooner!
The Third “B”
Secretary, Ravena Coeymans Yacht Club
Boat Name: King Kong
"Boat + Water = Fun"
That was a nutty scenario at Wixom Lk. Been following that. We only got an inch or so of rain that day. Think they said that part of Mi got like 5-7 inches in a real short period of time.