Alternator questions.
Not to rehash bad old memories, but a while back I posted a question about a high output alternator to power a high wattage stereo. It was locked because it got ugly (no hard feelings to anyone). I’ve now received several private messages asking if I ever found a solution, so I wanted to share my experiences for people to see. I had my stock 70 amp alternator repowered to output 180 amps, along with adding 2 XS 3000XP batteries. I’ve upgraded amps since then and it’s powering a Kicker 2400.1, and a 800.8, so I have a lot of draw. The main issue presented to me in the previous thread was that a higher output alternator would kick the ECMs 70 amp breaker. After a couple of years of running my setup, this hasn’t happened. As I stated in that thread, amps are delivered on a “on demand” basis, so factory wiring is unaffected. I hope this helps people who are doing searches looking for answers to this question.
My boat has a factory amp if some sort...if I run the radio without it running it is a battery killer.
Sailboaters and motorboaters hate each other.
Owning both i am probably going to have some emotional break down at some point
All boaters hate wake board boats and jet skis
End of rant. Sorry @69fastback for hijacking your thread.
2018 Cherokee 39RL Land Yacht (Sorry...)