Boat To Do Punch List

Now that summer is here and COVID has me at home, all I seem to be thinking about is everything I need to fix on my boat. Am I the only one??
Here's my punch list:
Anyone else want to make me feel better with a longer list?
Here's my punch list:
- Replace electric horn
- Replace spotlight
- Replace AC
- Figure out what's wrong with generator
- Replace cockpit refrigerator
- Replace both 12v TVs that don't work
- Replace arch lights for blue LEDs
- Upgrade stereo system and figure out what to do with remote pads
- Replace the vinyl on the seats and bunny pads
- Replace the camper top
- Install cool stainless steel bottle opener seen on Rinker Forums
Anyone else want to make me feel better with a longer list?
2013 290 ec - Volvo Penta D4/DP
1. Spectrum patch paste in some areas I have chips.
2. New seals around port windows
3. Change carbon in waste tank filter.
4. Bellows and gimbal bearing replaced
5. Rubber around cabin door is coming off. Need to secure.
6. Clean and polish port side of boat
7. Convince my daughter to sleep alone so wife and I can enjoy ourselves a little.
That's it for now.