What size winch strap do I need for a 1998 Rinker Captiva 212?

I want to replace the winch strap on my trailer before it fails. The dry weight of the boat is around 3000 lbs. What size winch strap I should be using? Is there a rule of thumb or anything? I've seen some that say they're rated at 10,000 lbs. Some don't give any more details than that but then one of those says it has an 8,000 break strength and 2666 lbs.safe working load. I would think if you're winching a 3,000 lb boat, you're obviously not putting anywhere near the entire weight of the boat on the strap right? So I would think something like this would be plenty. Advice?
Northern tool will also have them. Id do 10k but i also have a roller trailer that i hate